Turtle Raine

Occasional translation projects for Chinese BL danmei novels

Chapter 02: 99+

After returning to the dorm, Ning Guiqu found one roommate lying on the bed playing a game, while Lu Yuan was working on his computer below. As Ning Guiqu passed by, he glanced at Lu Yuan’s screen, which seemed to display some kind of program. Being a college student now, Ning Guiqu didn’t want to tax his brain. So, after a quick look, he swiftly averted his gaze, his mind cooperatively forgetting everything he’d seen.

With such diligence, Lu Yuan was likely aiming to start his own company, though there was also the possibility he would inherit one.

Because, well, Ning Guiqu felt Lu Yuan didn’t seem poor. Tall and long-legged with an air of sophistication, he looked like someone molded by money. Poor people should be more like himself! Exuding an aura of mediocrity. Lu Yuan lacked that essence.

He was also quite aloof.

What poor person could afford to be so cold?

Stop right there! Ning Guiqu grabbed his water bottle. He had no intention of dividing people into rich and poor. He just wanted to prove that Lu Yuan was a big thigh.

After filling his bottle, Ning Guiqu went to the balcony to collect the laundry. He noticed Lu Yuan’s clothes hadn’t been brought in yet. He casually gathered Lu Yuan’s laundry. To avoid appearing too deliberate, he also collected the clothes of Shi Wen, his other roommate.

Their fourth roommate hadn’t returned to the dorm for several days. He was a local and lived at home. But Ning Guiqu suspected there was more to it. In class, he often saw this roommate with heavy dark circles under his eyes. Most likely, he stayed up all night gaming at home.

These internet-addicted college students really weren’t planning for their futures!

Ning Guiqu sighed with premature world-weariness as he brought in his two roommates’ clothes. He first placed Lu Yuan’s clothes on his bed. Lu Yuan, who was engrossed in his computer work, didn’t notice Ning Guiqu’s actions at all.

Ning Guiqu cleared his throat softly nearby, but Lu Yuan ignored him.

Ning Guiqu: “……”

Left with no choice, Ning Guiqu called out, “Lu Yuan, I brought in your laundry for you.”

Only then did Lu Yuan lift his eyelids, glancing at Ning Guiqu before looking away again. His voice remained cold, “Thanks, I’ll take care of my own clothes.”


And he’ll take care of his own clothes??!!

Shouldn’t he have said how nice Ning Guiqu was!! And immediately become friends with him?!!

Ning Guiqu handed Shi Wen his clothes. Shi Wen’s face lit up with gratitude. “Xiao Qu, thank you! Having a roommate like you is truly a blessing for our dorm.”

Ning Guiqu smiled faintly. “It was nothing.”

In reality, he felt like sprouting little wings and flying away! This was how normal people should react.

Stupid Lu Yuan, would he ever let Ning Guiqu hug his thigh?

Ning Guiqu grumbled inwardly, then went to take a shower. After showering, he did laundry, then cleaned his shoes. In short, he kept himself busy. Once everything was thoroughly clean, Ning Guiqu should have been able to climb into bed and rest.

But instead, Ning Guiqu sat down again, right next to Lu Yuan.

Ning Guiqu intended to further cultivate their roommate relationship. So he took Lu Yuan’s water cup, which was almost within his reach now, filled it with water, and placed it next to Lu Yuan. In a gentle voice, he said, “Would you like some water? You look exhausted.”

Lu Yuan, without looking up, said, “Thanks, I’m not thirsty.”

Again with the thanks!!

Stupid Lu Yuan.

Is he not allowed to drink water just because he’s not thirsty??

Even though Lu Yuan didn’t look at him, Ning Guiqu still wore a polite smile. “No need to thank me. Are you sure you’re not hungry?”

“Not hungry.”

Ning Guiqu: “……”

He stared expectantly, having run out of things to say.

So, how exactly was he supposed to hold this thigh? Could he even manage to cling to an aloof big shot like Lu Yuan? Just as Ning Guiqu was about to grab his phone to vent, Shi Wen’s head popped out from the opposite bunk. “Xiao Qu, stop trying to make awkward conversation. Log on and play games with us. We’ve been waiting forever. You really love being clean, don’t you?”

The little demon in Ning Guiqu’s heart that had appeared earlier still hadn’t been vanquished. It was now flailing about, saying: [Your noob roommate is so bad at games, always relying on you to carry him. Ning Guiqu, I really pity you!]

Ning Guiqu looked up.

Shi Wen was still gazing at Ning Guiqu expectantly.

“Come on, log in.”

Ning Guiqu: “……”

Ning Guiqu snuffed out the little demon.

Fine, he’d carry him. His noob roommate might be terrible, but right now, apart from this noob, no one else was willing to play games with him. This noob was now his gaming buddy.

However, just as Ning Guiqu was about to open the game, he suddenly looked at Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan had been staring at his screen, deep in thought for a while now. He was probably stuck on some step. So, Ning Guiqu suggested, “Lu Yuan, do you want to play games? Why don’t you join us and relax a bit?”

This time… Lu Yuan agreed!

Ning Guiqu was slightly excited! If he’d been in bed right now, he might have shed a tear. Damn, he’d finally succeeded in licking!

Seeing Lu Yuan join them, Shi Wen quickly sent Ning Guiqu a message.

[Xiao Qu, you’re amazing. You actually got Lu Yuan to join us. But I feel like he’s never played before. Be prepared to carry both of us]

Ning Guiqu: “……”

Ning Guiqu replied: [It’s just for fun, as long as we enjoy ourselves]

Ning Guiqu really meant it at this moment. His current goal was to show Lu Yuan his skills! When they played, he would let Lu Yuan be the marksman while he played support, giving Lu Yuan the full gaming experience.


Ning Guiqu, who had been waiting in the game for a while, still hadn’t seen Lu Yuan’s game avatar show up online.

Ning Guiqu glanced at Lu Yuan again, who was tapping and poking at his phone, doing who knows what. How could logging in take so long?? Was it lagging? Wasn’t that the latest Lychee phone model??

Ning Guiqu didn’t want to rush him, so he messaged Shi Wen: [Ask Lu Yuan why he hasn’t logged on yet]

As soon as Ning Guiqu sent the message, Shi Wen spoke up, “Lu Yuan, Xiao Qu wants me to ask when you’re going to log on.”

Ning Guiqu’s vision went dark with disbelief!

His considerate image!! How could he be seen as rushing someone!!

Lu Yuan didn’t think much of it, explaining coolly, “Just a moment, I’m switching accounts. I played this game in high school, and that account still has my rank. You guys can start without me. Call me when you’re done.”

Ning Guiqu forced a smile. “No rush, we’ll wait for you. It’s more fun playing together.”

Lu Yuan responded with another aloof “Mm.”

Ning Guiqu skillfully opened his alt account to curse out his roommate!

[Stupid Shi Wen! Is that how you ask a question? You really think I’m that easygoing?!]
[The kinder you are, the more people take advantage. Just you wait! When I turn to the dark side, you’re all done for]

Ning Guiqu’s indignant mood improved slightly. But why was Lu Yuan taking so long to find his WeChat account? Ning Guiqu was tempted to tell Lu Yuan to just use his current account; after all, he could carry him.

Lu Yuan had not logged into the account for so long and forgot the password. He had to choose “Forgot Password,” and after resetting it, he needed two friends to verify. Lu Yuan glanced at Ning Guiqu, whose face was flushed as he poked at his phone. Never mind, he wouldn’t ask him.

Lu Yuan verified his own account, then asked a friend to verify.

He finally logged into his high school WeChat. As soon as he did, messages started popping up non-stop.

Lu Yuan didn’t find it particularly strange. This account had been accidentally exposed by a classmate in high school, so quite a few people had added him. Whenever he logged in, he would receive messages.

After graduating from high school, he switched to a new account. He only added close friends and family, and after starting college, his roommates. He just didn’t expect Ning Guiqu to become his roommate, too—what a twist of fate.

Lu Yuan was about to exit WeChat to log into the game when he noticed Ning Guiqu’s account at the top of his contact list, with 99+ unread messages.


Lu Yuan was surprised.

Ning Guiqu hadn’t given up on him??

Although Lu Yuan didn’t want to acknowledge this fateful connection, he and Ning Guiqu had indeed been classmates for three years in high school.

They did not interact much for the first two years, but in the third year, Ning Guiqu suddenly confessed to him.

In their third year of high school, his WeChat account was exposed, and Ning Guiqu added him as a friend.

After adding him, Ning Guiqu often sent trivial messages, which Lu Yuan initially responded to. He responded because he never imagined Ning Guiqu had other intentions.

Although they hadn’t interacted much, they were in the same class, and Lu Yuan knew Ning Guiqu was well-liked, had a gentle personality, and wasn’t bad-looking.

But after Lu Yuan responded a few times, Ning Guiqu confessed to him! Lu Yuan could only state that he was straight and promptly deleted Ning Guiqu from his WeChat.

After being deleted, Ning Guiqu didn’t approach him again. Lu Yuan thought Ning Guiqu had given up on him.

However, after high school graduation, Ning Guiqu found him again, saying he just wanted closure, even if it was just to see Lu Yuan’s Moments. Lu Yuan didn’t want to add him, reiterating that he was really straight, but Ning Guiqu’s eyes immediately welled up, saying, “Can’t you even add me?”

Lu Yuan reluctantly added him.

After adding him, Ning Guiqu started sending ambiguous messages again. Lu Yuan ignored them once more and soon changed his number. When college started, Lu Yuan was particularly gloomy upon seeing Ning Guiqu.

Anyone would feel awkward sharing a dorm with someone they had rejected in high school. Lu Yuan considered changing dorms on the first day, but Ning Guiqu approached him privately once, saying, “You never replied to my messages. Was it because you weren’t using that phone number anymore, so you didn’t see them?”

To avoid giving Ning Guiqu any hope, Lu Yuan denied it, “No. I was using both numbers at the time.”

Ning Guiqu looked hurt but persisted, “Then what type do you like? I can change for you.”

Lu Yuan didn’t bother saying he was straight again; Ning Guiqu wouldn’t listen.

So Lu Yuan said directly, “I’d like you to stay away from me.”

After that, Ning Guiqu indeed stopped bothering him. Lu Yuan was glad for the peace. He had inquired about changing dorms, but it wasn’t possible at the time — other dorms had no vacancies, and no one was willing to switch with him.

Lu Yuan could only give up.

Since Ning Guiqu hadn’t bothered him since, Lu Yuan assumed Ning Guiqu might have genuinely given up on him.

However, about a month later, Ning Guiqu started showing concern for him again. But it was just concern, without any other boundary-crossing behavior. He didn’t send any harassing messages on WeChat either. Lu Yuan naturally couldn’t say anything harsh, so he just rejected everything.

Of course, occasionally seeing Ning Guiqu’s dejected appearance, Lu Yuan felt a bit guilty. So when he saw Ning Guiqu acting timid, he would advise him to learn to refuse. But Ning Guiqu insisted on being a pushover, so Lu Yuan stopped meddling.

But now, Lu Yuan stared grimly at the 99+ messages.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan’s pupils constricted. At first, he noticed the 99+ and Ning Guiqu’s avatar, assuming Ning Guiqu hadn’t changed and still had feelings for him.

But now he saw the latest message below the avatar: [The kinder you are, the more people take advantage. Just you wait! When I turn to the dark side, you’re all done for]

What the hell??

Lu Yuan hesitantly opened Ning Guiqu’s 99+ messages. As he looked, he was stunned. Lu Yuan quickly scrolled through his phone, the WeChat messages flashing through his mind like a slideshow.

[Damn it, who bumped into my suitcase? Don’t you know how to walk?]


[Having to wake up early for college sucks. Can someone please blow up the school?]
[Idiot Shi Wen, can you please stop asking me to play games? Don’t you realize how terrible you are?]
[Stupid Lu Yuan, can’t you just give me your leg without a reason?]

Lu Yuan: “…”

This didn’t seem like a message meant for him, but rather Ning Guiqu’s rants?

Surely this couldn’t be Ning Guiqu?

Lu Yuan even compared the Ning Guiqu in his high school contact list with the one he currently used in university.

The Moments were set to one-year visibility with nothing shown, so it was impossible to investigate. But the WeChat ID in pinyin read “Xiao Qu is annoyed”.

This was indeed Ning Guiqu!

The messages were all sent to his high school account. So, did Ning Guiqu assume he no longer logged into this account and decided to use it as a venting space?

Lu Yuan turned his head to look at Ning Guiqu.

Ning Guiqu had been waiting for Lu Yuan to come online for a while. He yawned, then noticed Lu Yuan’s gaze. Ning Guiqu also turned his head, his eyes curving slightly, his voice gentle. “Lu Yuan, are we still playing together?”

Lu Yuan: “…”

“In a moment.”

Lu Yuan lowered his eyes. His phone was filled with Ning Guiqu’s cynical comments. Logically, if Lu Yuan was being used as a venting space, Ning Guiqu should be a bit nervous now that he had logged into this account, right?

But Ning Guiqu didn’t seem nervous at all. Could it be that these comments were meant for him to see? Lu Yuan thought it should be impossible. The content here was enough to socially destroy Ning Guiqu if he were to expose it.

From what he knew, Ning Guiqu was someone who cared greatly about his image. Yet these messages cursed his roommate, classmates, school, and restaurants – everything that could be cursed. But in reality, he didn’t curse any of them. Shi Wen even constantly said in the dorm how gentle and good-tempered Ning Guiqu was.

From this, it was clear that Ning Guiqu wouldn’t want him to see these messages.

For the first time, Lu Yuan doubted his understanding of reality.

Just as Lu Yuan was about to swipe out of WeChat, a new message appeared.

[Stupid Lu Yuan, are you going to play or not? Just because you’re handsome doesn’t mean we’ll wait for you.]

Lu Yuan: “…”

Lu Yuan raised his head with difficulty. When Ning Guiqu noticed his gaze, he still showed a friendly smile and said understandingly, “No rush, Shi Wen and I are just watching videos.”

Lu Yuan lowered his head.

[You big idiot, so damn slow]

Well, well, Ning Guiqu had two faces. Indeed, always acting like a pushover would lead to trouble.

So, Lu Yuan boldly guessed that Ning Guiqu didn’t know this was his WeChat account. People usually use their alternate accounts or strangers as venting spaces.

But Ning Guiqu didn’t need replies, so it wasn’t just a random stranger he chose as a venting space. Ning Guiqu must have created an alternate account and, for some reason, mixed it up with his account. So all the messages were sent to him.

If that was the case, he was quite stupid. To mix up something like this.

However, Lu Yuan also felt slightly relieved. Ning Guiqu called him an “idiot,” so he probably didn’t like him at all anymore.

<< CRS Chapter 01CRS Chapter 03 >>

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Hey there, I’m Raine. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my translations. I am not a professional translator. Translations found on this site are not official. My translations are a mix of MTL and the little Chinese I learned in college.

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Our lovely July-August supporters:
Heemi, Beverly, Lenka, Karo, Gracie, Vina, Stranger, Sairun, Minh, mvz_heaven

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