Turtle Raine

Occasional translation projects for Chinese BL danmei novels

Chapter 04: Damn, He’s So Aloof Again

The next morning, Lu Yuan woke up to find the bed across from him neatly made. Ning Guiqu was already up and washing up at the sink.

It seemed like an ordinary day. Lu Yuan reached for his phone as soon as he woke up.

Sure enough, Ning Guiqu sent another message.

[Stupid school. Can’t a monster come and step on it?]

Lu Yuan: “…….”

So, every 8 a.m. class, Ning Guiqu wanted to blow up the school. Lu Yuan felt like a voyeur, secretly observing Ning Guiqu’s rants. He decided to deactivate this account.

So far, no matter what method he used, he would be exposed. Unless he stole Ning Guiqu’s phone, deleted his number from it, and then found and deleted Ning Guiqu’s alternate account. That way, Ning Guiqu would never know his complaints had been sent to Lu Yuan.

But Lu Yuan felt it wasn’t worth risking so much just to save Ning Guiqu from embarrassment. If Ning Guiqu caught him stealing his phone, Lu Yuan would be the one dying of shame.

After deactivating the account, a message showed that if he logged in again within fifteen days, the deactivation wouldn’t be completed. It gave him a chance to change his mind.

Lu Yuan felt he didn’t need to reconsider.

He just knew that after fifteen days, Ning Guiqu would probably feel awkward.

By the time Lu Yuan finished washing up, Ning Guiqu had already left, sulkily carrying his backpack. Despite wanting to blow up the school, his enthusiasm for learning remained strong.

Lu Yuan mused.

When he arrived in class, Ning Guiqu helped him save a seat as usual, right next to him. Shi Wen and Jiang Xu sat behind Ning Guiqu.

Shi Wen was asking about Jiang Xu’s dark circles. “Did you stay up late again last night? I went online but didn’t see you in the game. Were you invisible?”

Jiang Xu rolled his eyes. “Who said I was just playing games?”

Shi Wen pointed at Ning Guiqu.

Hearing this, Ning Guiqu turned around, puzzled. “You weren’t gaming?”

Jiang Xu casually flipped through his textbook. “You guys who have never been in love wouldn’t understand why I stay up late.”

Ning Guiqu’s expression turned to one of sudden realization.

Jiang Xu raised an eyebrow. “Xiao Qu gets it. Some things are better left unsaid.”

The innocent college student Shi Wen looked expectantly at Ning Guiqu.

Ning Guiqu shook his head, refusing to explain.

He then turned back, his face reddening as he pulled out his phone.

Lu Yuan: “…….”

He cursed inwardly. He was curious about what Ning Guiqu was typing. Did Ning Guiqu really understand something?

Lu Yuan restrained himself, fighting his curiosity. He shouldn’t be curious about Ning Guiqu.

After morning classes ended, Ning Guiqu persistently invited Lu Yuan to have lunch together. Lu Yuan initially planned to refuse, but Ning Guiqu seemed to have no ulterior motives now. So, Lu Yuan thought perhaps he shouldn’t be so cold to a roommate.

It was just eating in the cafeteria, after all.

Lu Yuan agreed.

Ning Guiqu’s calm expression couldn’t hide a slight raise of his eyebrows. Did he succeed in hugging his thigh again?

Ning Guiqu pulled out his phone, fingers flying over the screen. After sending a message, he tucked the phone away with satisfaction.

“Let’s go eat grilled fish in the cafeteria.”

Lu Yuan grunted in assent, but curiosity nagged at him again. What did Ning Guiqu just send?

They went to the second-floor cafeteria. Ning Guiqu enthusiastically ordered and paid for the grilled fish, then insisted on carrying the dish. Lu Yuan carried the two bowls of rice and chopsticks.

It was Ning Guiqu’s first time eating with Lu Yuan. He tried various ways to strike up a conversation, attempting to get closer.

“The meat on the belly is delicious. Let me get you some.”

“…No need.”

Ning Guiqu had already served him. Lu Yuan regretted agreeing to lunch with Ning Guiqu. Although Ning Guiqu’s alternate account called him an “idiot” daily, did he possibly still harbor some feelings?

If so, he shouldn’t have agreed to this meal.

Unaware of Lu Yuan’s heavy thoughts, Ning Guiqu fell silent after serving the food, unsure what else to say. Truthfully, he wasn’t the type to fawn over others, but when it came to hugging thighs, flattery was key!

Ning Guiqu ate a few bites of rice, then continued to talk to Lu Yuan. “Lu Yuan, even though you’re only platinum in the game, I can help you rank up daily. If you think Shi Wen’s skills are poor, we don’t have to play with him.”

Lu Yuan: “…….”

“No need.”

Ning Guiqu: “…….”

Damn, he’s so aloof again.

Ning Guiqu set down his chopsticks, took out his phone, and angrily tapped at the screen.

Lu Yuan’s phone didn’t light up. He had deactivated the account that morning, but Ning Guiqu could still send messages to it for fifteen days. In fifteen days, given Ning Guiqu’s phone habits, there would likely be 99+ notifications again.

What was Ning Guiqu sending now?

The feeling of being oblivious was unexpectedly awful.

After venting, Ning Guiqu’s mood improved. He continued trying to get closer to Lu Yuan. “We’re eating together now. Does this make us friends?”


What was Ning Guiqu really thinking?

Lu Yuan’s hand holding the chopsticks didn’t move as he slightly raised his eyelids. “You want to be friends with me?”

Ning Guiqu nodded, his eyes curved gently: “Yes. Is that okay?”

Lu Yuan: “Just friends?”

Ning Guiqu didn’t speak.

He even… blushed.

Lu Yuan’s heart tightened. Had he asked too much? Was Ning Guiqu about to confess to him? If he confessed now, how could they continue being roommates? He’d have to move out of the dorm. Too troublesome.

But surely it wouldn’t come to that?

Ning Guiqu called him an idiot, after all.

After a while, Ning Guiqu shyly said, “I want to be good friends with you.”

Good friends! The better to hug your thighs!

Lu Yuan slowly released the breath he’d been holding. He felt he couldn’t deactivate that account yet.

Seeing Lu Yuan’s skeptical expression, Ning Guiqu added sincerely, “Really! I genuinely want to be friends with you. You’re amazing and talented. People naturally admire strength. Especially seeing you design programs – you’re so skilled as a freshman!”

Lu Yuan’s expressionless face managed two words, “Thank you?”

He really wanted to know what Ning Guiqu would post on his alternate account now.

Ning Guiqu ignored Lu Yuan’s cold demeanor. He had to seize every opportunity to latch onto this meal ticket! And opportunities favor those who take the initiative!

Ning Guiqu: “No need to thank me. Will you start a company in the future?”

The abrupt topic change confused Lu Yuan: “? What are you getting at?”

Ning Guiqu’s face reddened again as he lowered his head sheepishly.

Lu Yuan ate mechanically.

He really shouldn’t have agreed to this meal!

Ning Guiqu’s shy voice drifted over, “Actually, it’s hard to find jobs these days. I was wondering if you start a company in the future, could I work there?”

Lu Yuan remained silent, finishing the food in his mouth before responding, “You’re considering this quite early.”

Ning Guiqu became extremely animated when discussing work.

“It’s not early at all! Waiting until senior year would be too late. Besides, in our field, most jobs involve constant overtime, even on weekends! Sure, the pay is good, but there’s absolutely no time to rest,” Ning Guiqu ranted, clearly frustrated.

Lu Yuan was somewhat surprised. Ning Guiqu seemed to know quite a bit about this.

Still puzzled, Lu Yuan asked, “You’re certain I’ll start a company?”

From Lu Yuan’s words, Ning Guiqu sensed that he wasn’t expecting to inherit a family business but rather intended to start his own company.

Ning Guiqu stopped eating and nodded earnestly, “Yes, you’re exceptionally talented.”

Lu Yuan: “…….”

Lu Yuan was genuinely bewildered.

What exactly was Ning Guiqu doing? How could he be so confident that Lu Yuan would start a company? And why was he so eager to work at this hypothetical company?

Perhaps Ning Guiqu was simply planning ahead? Thinking about post-graduation employment since freshman year, firmly believing Lu Yuan would start a company, and wanting to work there?

It was too bizarre.

Or maybe Ning Guiqu was attempting to slowly win him over? Was he still pursuing Lu Yuan?

But as soon as Lu Yuan considered this, he recalled Ning Guiqu’s screen full of “Stupid Lu Yuan” messages.

Lu Yuan decided he needed to put an end to Ning Guiqu’s notions, regardless of his intentions.

Lu Yuan cut off the impractical conversation, “I won’t be starting a company.”

Ning Guiqu declared righteously, “You will. Trust me!”

Lu Yuan: “…….”

Lu Yuan could only continue this unrealistic dialogue, “Ning Guiqu, even if I did start a company in the future, do you really think you wouldn’t have to work overtime there?”

Ning Guiqu nodded firmly.

After all, Lu Yuan was a character mentioned in the book. If the protagonist’s company was normal, then surely Lu Yuan’s would be too!

Lu Yuan spoke ruthlessly, “Then you’re mistaken. I would make you work overtime. If I start a company, I’d be joining the ranks of capitalists. Isn’t it normal for capitalists to exploit their workers?”

Ning Guiqu blinked in surprise.

Suddenly, his eyes widened.

What! What did he just hear?!

“Impossible!” Ning Guiqu suppressed his emerging inner demon, forcing a stiff smile as he tried to refute gently.

Lu Yuan merely smiled without speaking.

Ning Guiqu felt as if he’d been struck by a million bolts of lightning! He couldn’t believe it!

On their way back after eating, Lu Yuan noticed Ning Guiqu constantly looking down at his phone screen. Due to the privacy filter, Lu Yuan couldn’t see anything.


After returning to his dorm, Lu Yuan canceled his account deletion. He decided to see if Ning Guiqu still liked him before deleting it for good.

As soon as Lu Yuan restored his account, Ning Guiqu’s avatar showed 25 new messages.

Lu Yuan: “……”

At this rate, it would reach 99+ in less than two days.

Since he deactivated his account earlier, all previous messages were gone. Lu Yuan only had these 25 new ones.

[Stupid Jiang Xu, what’s wrong with not dating? I can still pretend to be experienced even without dating!]
[It’s not about staying up late gaming. Could it be about partying all night? What does partying have to do with dating? Jiang Xu, you bastard, why can’t you just say it directly?]

Lu Yuan understood now. So Ning Guiqu didn’t know and was just pretending.

Lu Yuan ignored some of Ning Guiqu’s comments about blowing up the school.

[I’ve finally managed to cling to Lu Yuan’s thigh! I advise you to let me cling obediently!]

Lu Yuan was puzzled. Yesterday, it was “hugging the thigh.” So, what did he have that made Ning Guiqu want to cling to him?

[Stupid Lu Yuan, always acting so aloof. Keep it up and I’ll send you to Antarctica to keep the penguins company!]

Lu Yuan: “……”

[Lu Yuan is actually one of those evil capitalists?? Damn it! If that’s the case, why should I hug his thigh?]
[I praised you for nothing. You big idiot!]
[Evil capitalists, may you all go bankrupt!]
[Lu Yuan, if your future company lets me work nine-to-five with weekends off, I’ll stop cursing you!]
[Starting my curse today. I curse Lu Yuan to have water come out of his nose when he drinks!]

Lu Yuan: “……”


After reviewing the messages, not a single one mentioned anything about “liking” him. He should have let the account remain deleted. Now, having read them, he was filled with anger and had nowhere to vent.

Lu Yuan glanced up at Ning Guiqu, who had returned to his bed, changed into pajamas, and was preparing for a nap. As Ning Guiqu tucked himself in and lay on his side, he noticed Lu Yuan’s gaze and said in a gentle voice, “Lu Yuan, I’m going to rest now. Have a good afternoon.”

Then, he closed his eyes.

Lu Yuan: “……”

Lu Yuan couldn’t comprehend it. How could one person have such extreme contrasts? He thought again, perhaps he simply didn’t know Ning Guiqu well enough.

Lu Yuan casually grabbed the water cup on his desk and took a sip. While the water didn’t come out of his nose, he inexplicably choked.

Ning Guiqu heard Lu Yuan’s cough.

Lu Yuan’s phone lit up again.

[Curse successful! Lu Yuan, I’ll give you another chance. I advise you to cherish it.]

Lu Yuan: “……”

Lu Yuan set down his cup and looked up.

Ning Guiqu had just turned off his phone screen and noticed Lu Yuan watching him again. Ning Guiqu continued gently, “Why do you keep looking at me?”

The question made Lu Yuan feel a bit awkward.

Lu Yuan’s lips twitched as he said softly, “I was thinking about what you said at lunch. I’ll consider it. One shouldn’t forget their original intentions. So if I do start a company in the future, I won’t exploit my employees.”

Ning Guiqu was delighted.

What! What did he just hear!

Lu Yuan calmly added, “But I might not start one. Ning Guiqu, starting a company isn’t something to be taken lightly.”

Ning Guiqu excitedly denied this, “You’ll definitely start one! Lu Yuan, even if you don’t believe me, you should believe in yourself!”

Lu Yuan looked away, expressionless.

But he didn’t believe in himself. He couldn’t understand why Ning Guiqu had such immense confidence in him, practically betting his entire future after graduation on Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan couldn’t help but wonder what Ning Guiqu’s true intentions were.

Just as he thought this, his phone lit up again.

[Stupid Lu Yuan finally has some sense! I won’t curse you anymore]

Lu Yuan’s eye twitched slightly. He truly wanted to throw this alt account in Ning Guiqu’s face!

And Ning Guiqu still had the nerve to call him stupid?

Lu Yuan chose to delete the account again. This time, he wouldn’t be curious about Ning Guiqu’s infuriating comments anymore!

<< CRS Chapter 03CRS Chapter 05 >>

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Hey there, I’m Raine. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my translations. I am not a professional translator. Translations found on this site are not official. My translations are a mix of MTL and the little Chinese I learned in college.

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Special Thanks to..

Our lovely July-August supporters:
Heemi, Beverly, Lenka, Karo, Gracie, Vina, Stranger, Sairun, Minh, mvz_heaven

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