Turtle Raine

Occasional translation projects for Chinese BL danmei novels

Chapter 07: Surveillance

After about ten minutes, Ning Guiqu came out of the bathroom. When Lu Yuan heard movement, he fixed his gaze on Ning Guiqu’s eyes. The rims were slightly red; he really did cry in there.

Lu Yuan stood up. “Ning Guiqu, I—”

Ning Guiqu interrupted him as he approached, his voice muffled. “I’m sorry, did I say something earlier that upset you?”

Lu Yuan: “…”

This was truly a mess. He didn’t even call him an idiot in the rant account. Lu Yuan would have preferred that.

Lu Yuan spoke very softly, “No, it was my fault.”

Shi Wen quickly tried to smooth things over.

“Lu Yuan probably just raised his voice a bit. He knows he was wrong. Xiao Qu, please forgive him. Don’t be angry with him anymore.”

Ning Guiqu let out a small “oh” and turned to clean his shoes.

But he didn’t believe it. He had been here for over half a month and had never witnessed Lu Yuan’s loud voice. Why would this supposed loud voice suddenly be directed at him? Did he look easy to bully?

Ning Guiqu turned back to face Lu Yuan.

He wanted an answer.

“Why did you act like that?”

Lu Yuan couldn’t possibly say he misunderstood what Ning Guiqu was about to say. Of course, he also didn’t think he had yelled at Ning Guiqu. But even if he explained, Ning Guiqu wouldn’t believe him.

So, under Ning Guiqu’s serious expression, Lu Yuan made up an excuse. “I lost control of my emotions a bit. It won’t happen again.”

Lost control of his emotions? What other situations could make him lose control?

After some brilliant contemplation, Xiao Qu hesitantly asked, “Do you have an extra chromosome?”

Lu Yuan: “…Yes.”

Lu Yuan admitted it.

Ning Guiqu’s eyes widened, stunned for several seconds before stammering, “…That’s an illness. It’s not your fault.”

Ning Guiqu turned to clean his shoes, but they were gone.

He asked Shi Wen where he had thrown them.

Shi Wen didn’t expect him to go retrieve them after he threw them away. As a roommate, Shi Wen wouldn’t let Ning Guiqu waste time on such things anymore.

Shi Wen crossed his arms. “I won’t tell you even if you kill me.”

Ning Guiqu’s eyelids drooped. He gave up and decided not to clean them. Time for a shower.

As Ning Guiqu went to collect clothes from the balcony, Shi Wen whispered to Lu Yuan, “Sorry for putting you through that. I don’t know what illness you were talking about, but Xiao Qu seems to have believed it. Everything’s fine now.”

Lu Yuan: “…”

Lu Yuan couldn’t even force a smile. He should just stay away from Ning Guiqu!

This time, Lu Yuan’s clothes had already been collected, so Ning Guiqu didn’t need to help. Shi Wen’s weren’t collected yet, but Ning Guiqu only gathered his own. Shi Wen didn’t think much of it.

After Ning Guiqu finished his shower and lay in bed, Lu Yuan’s high school WeChat started flashing.

[Stupid Lu Yuan actually can’t control his emotions. That’s not like him! Isn’t Lu Yuan friends with the Penguin?]
[He probably wouldn’t lie about something like this. Even if it’s not true, his emotions might be unstable. If I work at his company in the future, he won’t hit me, right?]
[I’ll observe him tomorrow. I’m not his employee yet! If he hits me, I’ll report him! I’m not easy to mess with!]

Lu Yuan: “…”

Ning Guiqu really believed it.

Now, he wanted to delete his WeChat account again. He thought Ning Guiqu might really just believe he’d start a company and was trying to curry favor with him. But Lu Yuan didn’t delete it; he wanted to see how Ning Guiqu would observe him tomorrow.

He didn’t want to be secretly watched.

The next day, Sunday, Ning Guiqu and Lu Yuan woke up together, but Ning Guiqu didn’t ask where Lu Yuan was going. After Lu Yuan left and closed the dorm door, he didn’t notice Ning Guiqu doing anything unusual.

Lu Yuan thought Ning Guiqu was probably just venting on his phone.

Lu Yuan went to the cafeteria, bought breakfast as usual, and found a place to sit and eat. After finishing, Lu Yuan got up and walked towards the exit. His phone flashed.

[Eating breakfast normally, no aggressive behavior, won’t hit me]

Lu Yuan froze, incredulous. Was Ning Guiqu really following him? He immediately looked back and saw Ning Guiqu standing not far away, wearing a hat. When Ning Guiqu noticed his gaze, he lowered his head and pulled the baseball cap down.

A guilty conscience needs no accuser.

Ning Guiqu couldn’t see him now, but he could see Ning Guiqu.

Lu Yuan left the cafeteria in a daze and walked toward the library. He felt eyes on his back, always someone watching him. Lu Yuan even pretended to casually look back and saw Ning Guiqu with his hat brim pulled low.

Lu Yuan really admired Ning Guiqu’s dedication.

Originally, Lu Yuan planned to ignore Ning Guiqu as much as possible. But while he could ignore the person, he couldn’t ignore the messages.

[No conflicts with classmates in the library, no aggressive behavior, won’t hit me]
[Classmate initiated conversation with him, though his attitude was cold, no aggressive behavior, won’t hit me]
[Stray cat meowed at him, he bought a small pack of cat food off-campus, shows care for animals, no aggressive behavior, won’t hit me]
[Forcefully pushed away the stray cat, causing it to meow loudly, seems to have aggressive behavior, might hit me]

When Lu Yuan saw these messages, he doubted his entire existence.

The stray cat lying in front of Lu Yuan was kneading and meowing, waiting for Lu Yuan to pet it. Lu Yuan thought, if he petted it, Ning Guiqu, who was hiding behind a tree spying on him, would probably think he was bullying the stray cat and showing aggressive behavior.

Thinking this, Lu Yuan decided to test it. He stroked the cat’s belly once and then stood up.

Soon after, Lu Yuan’s phone flashed.

[The stray cat seems to have Stockholm syndrome, enjoys being petted by him. But Lu Yuan is normal, no obvious aggressive behavior, undecided whether he will hit me]

Lu Yuan: “…”

Lu Yuan was followed for an entire day. It wasn’t until evening, when he returned to the dormitory, that Lu Yuan’s phone flashed again.

[Surveillance ended, and no aggressive behavior was detected from Lu Yuan today. Genius Xiao Qu’s future safety is assured. Will continue tomorrow]

Lu Yuan was shocked by what he read.

Ning Guiqu was going to follow him again tomorrow???

Lu Yuan turned around. Ning Guiqu, who was hiding behind a big tree, was putting his hat into his backpack. He had been wearing a black jacket earlier, but now he was in a white T-shirt. He must have taken off the jacket and stuffed it in his backpack.

Ning Guiqu even knew how to disguise himself.

Lu Yuan walked over.

“Ning Guiqu.”

Ning Guiqu was zipping up his backpack when he heard the familiar voice. He shuddered, then put on his backpack and looked at Lu Yuan, feigning surprise, “Lu Yuan, what a coincidence.”

Not a coincidence at all.

Lu Yuan thought to himself.

Lu Yuan said directly, “What were you doing behind the tree?”

Ning Guiqu came out from behind the tree, looking innocent. “Enjoying the shade. It’s too hot now, and I don’t want to use air conditioning.”

Lu Yuan: “…”

Such a poor lie, yet such a sincere face.

Lu Yuan didn’t let Ning Guiqu continue his deception. When Ning Guiqu casually asked, “Heading back to the dorm?” Lu Yuan calmly reminded him, “You’ve been following me all day. What did you find out?”

Ning Guiqu froze yet again.

Ning Guiqu glanced at the tree above his head, then touched his backpack, shaking his head solemnly. “I didn’t… didn’t follow you.”

But he stuttered slightly as he spoke.

Lu Yuan gestured towards Ning Guiqu’s backpack with his eyes, directly exposing him without any mercy, “There should be a hat and your black jacket inside. Did you think I wouldn’t recognize you just because you changed? Do you think you’re some kind of ancient master of disguise?”

Ning Guiqu stopped breathing, his face slowly turning red, but he stubbornly refused to admit it. “I don’t know what you’re… you’re talking about.”

His voice had also become much quieter due to his guilty conscience.

Lu Yuan didn’t feel the need to force Ning Guiqu to admit it; he just wanted Ning Guiqu to know that he had been discovered.

Lu Yuan said calmly, “I don’t care why you were following me. But Ning Guiqu, don’t follow me tomorrow. I was only emotionally unstable that one time last night. I don’t hit people.”

Ning Guiqu nodded obediently with a red face, speechlessly following Lu Yuan towards the dormitory building. As they were going upstairs, he suddenly blurted out, “What are you talking about?”

Lu Yuan glanced at Ning Guiqu.

This glance made Lu Yuan feel a bit sympathetic. The face of this amateur stalker had turned as red as a monkey’s butt.

Even though Ning Guiqu felt embarrassed at being caught, he still followed to confirm whether Lu Yuan was emotionally unstable. Was it really just to make sure Lu Yuan wouldn’t hit him when he worked for him in the future?

Lu Yuan wanted to sigh and ask, where was this company of his??

Lu Yuan softened his voice considerably. He couldn’t be too harsh with this roommate.

Lu Yuan: “I’m saying this so you’ll stop following me. About last night, you wanted to see if I have a violent temperament, worried that I might hit you if you come to work at my company in the future. But Ning Guiqu, there is no company, and I don’t have a habit of hitting people.”

Ning Guiqu’s eyes widened, his voice becoming more urgent.

“How do you know… what I was thinking?”

Lu Yuan was about to push open the dormitory door. How did he know?

Ning Guiqu’s rants were still on his phone.

Lu Yuan couldn’t even be bothered to find an excuse, casually saying, “I guessed.”

After all, since Ning Guiqu could believe he had an extra chromosome, there was no need for Lu Yuan to rack his brains for an excuse.

Sure enough, Ning Guiqu believed it again.

Lu Yuan’s phone rang once more.

Lu Yuan stopped at his desk and opened the message.

[How is Lu Yuan so smart? He guessed everything perfectly! He really is someone who will start a company in the future. I won’t call him an idiot anymore]

Lu Yuan couldn’t help but chuckle. Ning Guiqu could be quite interesting when he wanted to be.

Lu Yuan had just put his phone on the desk when it flashed again.

[It seems Lu Yuan will probably restrain his aggressive behavior. After all, he’s a smart person. I need to follow him for a few more days]

Lu Yuan: “…”

Lu Yuan turned his head to look at Ning Guiqu, who was sitting next to him. Ning Guiqu seemed to notice his gaze, looked up, his eyes curving into a smile, then looked down again. Lu Yuan’s current WeChat account pinged.

[Because there are people in the dorm, I know following you isn’t good, so I don’t want our roommates to know. I can only tell you on WeChat. I won’t follow you tomorrow. You’re a very gentle person!]

Lu Yuan closed his eyes, then opened them again.

[I won’t follow you tomorrow]
[You’re a very gentle person]

Lu Yuan numbly opened the other WeChat account:

[Lu Yuan will probably restrain his aggressive behavior]
[I need to follow him for a few more days]

Lu Yuan took a deep breath.

Ning Guiqu, you’ve really gone too far!

<< CRS Chapter 06CRS Chapter 08 >>

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Hey there, I’m Raine. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my translations. I am not a professional translator. Translations found on this site are not official. My translations are a mix of MTL and the little Chinese I learned in college.

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Our lovely July-August supporters:
Heemi, Beverly, Lenka, Karo, Gracie, Vina, Stranger, Sairun, Minh, mvz_heaven

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