Turtle Raine

Occasional translation projects for Chinese BL danmei novels

Chapter 03: Work Mode

After exchanging pleasantries, Jiang Lin appropriately released his hand, maintaining a junior’s polite demeanor. “I won’t keep you from settling in and resting, Teacher Li. Shall we… see each other tomorrow?”

Li Qianxing nodded. “See you at the script reading tomorrow.”

With that, they parted ways, walking in opposite directions.

Li Qianxing and his two assistants entered the room. Xiao Zhu headed to the kitchen first to check what supplies they needed.

Driver Lao1The prefix “老” (lao) carries a connotation of age, experience, and often endearment or respect. It is commonly used before a person’s surname or occupation to imply that they are seasoned or well-versed in their respective domain, or as a sign of familiarity and affection. Unlike “姐” (jie) or “哥” (ge), which indicate an older sister or brother respectively, “老” (lao) does not specify a family relationship but rather an acknowledgment of one’s stature often due to age or experience. Li followed her. “I bought the groceries according to your morning list. They’re in the RV’s fridge. Should I bring them over now?”

Xiao Zhu replied cheerfully, “Thank you, Uncle Li. Tomorrow, please take me around the neighborhood. I’ll buy some things and familiarize myself with the surroundings.”

Lao Li agreed and left.

Xiao Zhu opened her phone’s notes app and began rapidly jotting down items to buy.

After a while, Li Qianxing approached and handed her a card. “Here’s a room key for you. Which rooms are you and Lao Li staying in?”

Xiao Zhu took the key and replied with a lower floor room number, “We’re in standard rooms downstairs. Uncle Li is next door to me.”

Li Qianxing added, “I’m going to greet Director He.”

Xiao Zhu quickly offered, “I’ll come with you.”

Li Qianxing stopped her. “No need. You’re busy. I just asked on WeChat. Director He is on the floor above us.”

Xiao Zhu insisted, “Call me if you need anything.”

Li Qianxing nodded and left. Since they were just one floor apart, he took the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. He rang the doorbell of Director He Zhanpeng’s suite.

He Zhanpeng quickly opened the door, greeting him with a smile. “Xiao Li, you’re here. Come in, come in.”

He was slightly balding and plump, with few wrinkles. His smile appeared warm. At fifty years old, he was considered a veteran director in the film industry, having won numerous awards.

Li Qianxing exchanged greetings as he followed him inside.

He Zhanpeng invited him to sit on the sofa and moved to boil water. “I remember Xiao Qi mentioning your sensitive stomach. You need to be careful with food and drink. Wait a moment, I’ll prepare some warm water for you.”

Li Qianxing hurriedly said, “No need to trouble yourself. I came to give you this… I wrote quite a bit. I hope it’s convenient for you to look it over.”

He handed the folder to He Zhanpeng.

He Zhanpeng took it, gesturing for Li Qianxing to sit. He sat down as well, put on his glasses, and began flipping through the pages—it was a character biography written by Li Qianxing. A thick stack of paper filled with colorful sticky notes peeked out, likely marking important points.

He Zhanpeng’s smile grew more genuine. “Great, I’ll review it later.”

He placed the folder on the coffee table and picked up another stack of papers lying there, giving them a shake. “Xiao Jiang just dropped off his homework too.”

Li Qianxing’s gaze swept over the stack of papers, and he estimated that its thickness was comparable to his own.

He Zhanpeng was also observing Li Qianxing, his eyes measuring every part of his face, body, and limbs.

The southern location made April’s weather already warm. Li Qianxing wore a thin shirt and trousers, cinched at the waist, accentuating his slender figure.

He Zhanpeng nodded approvingly, “This level of leanness fits the character even better now. Try on the costume tomorrow morning and see if any adjustments are needed.”

Li Qianxing agreed.

He Zhanpeng remarked, “You really did slim down. I thought with your already small frame it’d be hard to control, and we’d have to rely on makeup.”

Li Qianxing replied, “The nutritionist’s guidance was excellent.”

He spoke casually, as if it weren’t worth mentioning.

He Zhanpeng gave Li Qianxing a thumbs up and changed the subject.

With filming about to start, Director He was extremely busy. During Li Qianxing’s brief visit, he took two or three phone calls.

So, Li Qianxing didn’t linger and soon took his leave.

When Li Qianxing returned to his suite, Xiao Zhu, who had been scrolling on her phone on the sofa, quickly jumped up to pour him some warm water.

“Li-ge, I just found out Jiang Lin is staying next door.”

Li Qianxing gave her a curious look. “And?”

As co-leads, their accommodations would naturally be similar. The fact that the suites they booked were adjacent to each other was not surprising.

Xiao Zhu scratched her head. “Nothing really… I just didn’t expect him to arrive today too, even earlier than us…”

The script reading was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon; arriving tomorrow morning would suffice. Not to mention that being late or even absent wasn’t uncommon.

Having worked with Li Qianxing for eight years and experienced many productions, Xiao Zhu knew better. Among celebrities with any fame, few arrived early like Li Qianxing. Showing up on time was already considered courteous to the production team.

Hearing this, Li Qianxing suddenly recalled Jiang Lin’s thick character biography, sparking a rare interest. Considering their numerous scenes together and complex emotional expressions, understanding his co-star might prove beneficial for their collaboration.

So he asked, “What information did you gather?”

Xiao Zhu was stunned, then surprised. She couldn’t help but confirm, “Li-ge, are you asking about Jiang Lin?”

Li Qianxing replied, “Yes, don’t you always collect information on my co-stars?”

Xiao Zhu nodded eagerly, “Of course! I’ve diligently completed the task Xiao-jie taught me every time! But you’ve never asked before, so I’m a bit surprised…”

While speaking, she opened her phone’s notes app and quickly located Jiang Lin’s information. She hesitated, “Which part do you want to hear? Official information or industry gossip?”

Li Qianxing responded, “Tell me both.”

“Officially, Jiang Lin is very talented in acting. He graduated from Y Drama School’s Acting Department at 20, standing out in the graduation performance. After graduating, he signed with top agent Yan Yi’s agency and started doing supporting roles in various productions to further hone his skills.

“Three years ago, Director He cast him as the lead in ‘Prison Break’, which earned him Best New Actor at the WL Film Festival. His career improved after that, landing some substantial roles and quickly gaining recognition for his acting skills, though he didn’t win any more awards. Until last year’s surprise DS Best Actor win.”

As Xiao Zhu spoke, Li Qianxing vaguely recalled Qi Jingnian mentioning that Jiang Lin had been suppressed by two major entertainment companies.

Xiao Zhu then moved on to the rumors. “The most widespread gossip is that he was too demanding upon graduation. Three major entertainment companies approached him, but he asked for too much, and negotiations fell through with all of them.

“Given his performance at the graduation show, he shouldn’t have been limited to supporting roles after his debut. But because he angered people during contract negotiations, except for our Xingyi, the other two companies secretly suppressed him. Even after winning WL’s Best New Actor, his situation only slightly improved.

“However, last year’s DS Best Actor is different, especially since the film was a box office hit. With this achievement, his career should smooth out. If the other two companies continue to suppress him, they’d be going against their own interests and only benefit competitors like us.”

Li Qianxing continued asking, “What’s his reputation on set?”

Xiao Zhu replied, “Based on various gossip groups – it’s excellent. Surprisingly, no one’s said anything bad about him. They all say he’s very easygoing. After winning Best Actor early this year, he did a cameo in February with just one assistant, no airs at all. The assistant is that young man who was following him yesterday, Xiao Ding.”

Li Qianxing looked up at Xiao Zhu. “Does he seem easygoing to you?”

Xiao Zhu thought about it and said, “I think… like you, Li-ge, his focus is on acting. He wants to be an actor, not an idol packaged by entertainment companies.”

Li Qianxing: “So?”

Xiao Zhu: “So, he must have the same pride as you deep down. But from our brief encounter yesterday, he did seem very easygoing. He even nodded to me and Uncle Li…”

Li Qianxing smiled. “Probably involves some acting.”

Xiao Zhu exclaimed, “Using acting skills in daily life?”

Li Qianxing: “In fact, many people use acting skills in life. And some are quite skilled at it.”

Xiao Zhu pondered this, responding thoughtfully: “I suppose that’s true…”


The next morning was costume fitting. As both lead actor and investor, Li Qianxing naturally enjoyed VIP treatment.

The costume designer brought all the clothes to his room, allowing him to try them on comfortably. They constantly praised him while efficiently making on-the-spot adjustments and taking notes for later modifications.

After trying on all the costumes, Li Qianxing casually asked, “Has Teacher Jiang Lin had his fitting?”

The designer, busy directing assistants to pack up, smiled. “He arrived early and did his fitting yesterday. His reported measurements were very accurate, so there was no need for alterations.”

Realizing this might be inappropriate, they quickly added, “Teacher Li, you were still losing weight when you reported your measurements, so it’s normal to have some discrepancies. I can fix these small adjustments today.”

Wanting to change the subject, they switched to the film. “Director He cast this role perfectly. I remember a scene in the script where Teacher Jiang carries you on his shoulder. With your body type differences, it’ll look perfect on camera.”

Li Qianxing didn’t react much, but Xiao Zhu couldn’t help imagining the scene.

Having helped Li Qianxing rehearse lines, she was familiar with the script. That scene was followed by the third bed scene… She felt a bit excited, though she’d probably be among those asked to leave the set.

After the costume designer left, Li Qianxing rested for two hours before heading to He Zhanpeng’s suite in the afternoon.

The script reading was set to take place there.

Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin arrived almost simultaneously, with Director He and the scriptwriter waiting for them.

The scriptwriter, Yang He, was a young man with little industry fame. He appeared somewhat nervous facing a renowned director and two award-winning actors.

He Zhanpeng invited Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin to sit, had an assistant serve water, and specially prepared a thermos for Li Qianxing.

Jiang Lin and He Zhanpeng were more familiar with each other. He scanned the room and asked curiously, “Just the four of us?”

Though the romance film revolved around two lead characters, there were also two important supporting roles.

He Zhanpeng smiled, “The other two will arrive tonight and will join us tomorrow. I thought we’d deviate from the script order and follow the timeline instead. Today, you two can go through the university scenes first.”

The film was a story of rekindled love. The main characters fall in love in college but separate due to youthful pride and inability to compromise. They never truly get over each other and reunite years later, learning to adapt to each other once more.

Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin had no objections to this arrangement and were about to open their scripts.

However, He Zhanpeng raised his hand, gesturing for their attention. “Wait a moment. Yesterday, Xiao Yang and I reviewed your character biographies. Based on your interpretations, we’ve made some script revisions. Xiao Yang, give them the modified parts.”

Yang He quickly stood up and handed out two sets of revised pages to Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin.

Each page clearly marked the changes. Li Qianxing carefully compared them.

After finishing, he turned to Jiang Lin and asked, “Teacher Jiang, shall we exchange? These changes mostly involve our scenes together.”

Jiang Lin smiled, offering his pages. “I was thinking the same.”

They swapped and continued reviewing each other’s modifications.

He Zhanpeng looked surprised and turned to Yang He, “Didn’t I ask you to give them all the revisions?”

Yang He looked apologetic. “I’m sorry, I thought they needed separate preparations…”

While taking notes, Jiang Lin reassured him, “It’s fine. There aren’t many changes. We can just copy them down.”

Li Qianxing was also making notes. Both were very familiar with the script and quickly jotted down the few modifications.

They exchanged scripts back, then Li Qianxing addressed Yang He. “Writer Yang, in the future, if there are changes to other roles involving scenes with me, please provide me with a revised copy as well. I might need to adjust my performance accordingly.”

Jiang Lin smiled and added, “I’d like to piggyback on Teacher Li’s request and ask for the same treatment.”

Yang He quickly agreed, apologizing once more.

Sitting beside him, He Zhanpeng patted his shoulder, cheerfully saying, “No worries; just remember for next time. The actors I choose are always this meticulous. It’s different from the productions you’ve worked on before, where the leads might not have even read the entire script.”

Yang He nodded vigorously, his eyes bright. “I’m really looking forward to… seeing how you both bring this story to life!”

In fact, Yang He’s script had been rejected by several production companies. On the day of his last rejection, he happened to meet He Zhanpeng and, in a desperate move, approached him with the script. Surprisingly, it caught the director’s interest.

Since then, Yang He had felt like he was living in a dream, constantly fearing he might wake up. But just now, seeing two award-winning actors taking his script so seriously, he suddenly felt a sense of reality, wishing he could see the final product immediately.

The four discussed the changes, agreed on them, and then moved on to the campus storyline.

The campus scenes were all flashbacks in the film, not extensive but covering key plot points.

With the detailed character biographies as groundwork, the reading went smoothly. Yang He and the two leads further discussed some minor details, while He Zhanpeng mostly listened quietly.

Finally, He Zhanpeng concluded, “That’s great. Tomorrow we’ll continue with the mindset after the breakup. However, when we actually film, the order will be reversed. I plan to shoot the campus scenes on location, which we’ll do last. We’ve secured the location and will start filming in July when the school’s on break.”

With that, the afternoon’s reading ended.

Li Qianxing stood to return to his room downstairs, as did Jiang Lin. Both chose to take the stairs.

Jiang Lin opened the emergency exit door, surprised to find Li Qianxing still beside him. He stepped aside, waiting for him to pass.

Li Qianxing nodded, “Thank you.”

The stairway was wide enough for them to walk side by side.

Jiang Lin made small talk, “I didn’t expect Teacher Li to take the stairs too.”

Li Qianxing, slightly lowering his head and still thinking about the reading, responded absent-mindedly, “Mm.”

He didn’t hear Jiang Lin speak again, nor did he pay it any mind.

When they reached their floor, Li Qianxing finished his mental review and looked up to find Jiang Lin holding the door open.

He nodded in thanks again, walked through, then stopped and turned.

Jiang Lin followed, closing the door behind him.

Li Qianxing: “Teacher Jiang…”

Jiang Lin visibly paused, but quickly turned with a smile, “Teacher Li is my senior. Just call me Xiao Jiang.”

Li Qianxing agreed indifferently and continued, “You’ve worked with Director He before and are familiar with his style. I wanted to ask, was he not satisfied with our reading just now?”

Jiang Lin looked up at him.

Li Qianxing was slightly taken aback.

Jiang Lin had high brow bones and deep-set eyes. His nearly ink-black irises reflected a hint of light, creating an intense gaze when they made direct eye contact.

Li Qianxing felt a moment of déjà vu – why did these eyes seem familiar?

However, Jiang Lin quickly lowered his short but dense lashes, half-concealing his eyes. He slightly turned his body, gesturing down the hallway, and slowly began to walk.

Li Qianxing snapped back to reality and followed.

Jiang Lin: “I also felt Director He wasn’t quite satisfied.”

Li Qianxing was puzzled, “Why didn’t he say anything?”

Jiang Lin: “Because he didn’t need to.”

Li Qianxing: “What do you mean…”

Jiang Lin: “Director He likes to mold actors himself. He’s confident that by the time we shoot in July, we’ll achieve the effect he wants. The script reading is just to reach a consensus on the characters. He’ll gradually guide us through the emotional aspects during filming.”

Li Qianxing pondered for a moment, then nodded. “I look forward to his guidance.”

A skilled director can elevate an actor’s performance to new heights.

Jiang Lin glanced at him, this time with a smile. “There’s one thing I should warn you about.”

Li Qianxing: “What’s that?”

Jiang Lin: “Director He usually schedules an emotionally intense scene in the first few days to help actors quickly get into character. For our film, I suspect he might arrange a passionate scene early on. You should be mentally prepared.”

Li Qianxing looked back at him, his expression unchanged. “Alright.”

They had reached Li Qianxing’s room. Li Qianxing stopped and reached into his pocket for his key card.

Jiang Lin also stopped, speaking gently, “This is our first cooperation. I would like to treat you to a meal. I wonder if Teacher Li would be willing to do me the honor.”

Li Qianxing had already swiped his card. He turned to Jiang Lin and said, “I’m sorry, but I have a sensitive stomach. For safety, I only eat meals prepared by my assistant during filming.”

Jiang Lin raised his eyebrows, looking disappointed. “I see. Indeed, safety comes first.”

Li Qianxing: “Well then, see you tomorrow.”

After saying that, he entered his room and closed the door.

Xiao Zhu had gone with Lao Li to familiarize themselves with the surroundings. The reading ended early, before her usual time to return and cook. The room was quiet.

Li Qianxing sat on the sofa and continued to flip through the script, going over the new annotations he had just made. After half an hour, he got up to pour himself some warm water.

His mind was filled with scenes from the script, naturally leading him to think about his co-star, Jiang Lin.

The moment their eyes met at the stairwell door unexpectedly resurfaced in his mind.

Perhaps Jiang Lin had been too surprised then to conceal his true expression. Among all their interactions, that single glance left the deepest impression on Li Qianxing.

Li Qianxing gently tapped his glass, still pondering – where had he seen those eyes before?

But after much thought, he still couldn’t place it.

Finally, he concluded that it must have overlapped with one of Jiang Lin’s film characters.

<< DFLM Chapter 02DFLM Chapter 04 >>

TL Notes

  • 1
    The prefix “老” (lao) carries a connotation of age, experience, and often endearment or respect. It is commonly used before a person’s surname or occupation to imply that they are seasoned or well-versed in their respective domain, or as a sign of familiarity and affection. Unlike “姐” (jie) or “哥” (ge), which indicate an older sister or brother respectively, “老” (lao) does not specify a family relationship but rather an acknowledgment of one’s stature often due to age or experience.

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Hey there, I’m Raine. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my translations. I am not a professional translator. Translations found on this site are not official. My translations are a mix of MTL and the little Chinese I learned in college.

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Special Thanks to..

Our lovely July-August supporters:
Heemi, Beverly, Lenka, Karo, Gracie, Vina, Stranger, Sairun, Minh, mvz_heaven

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