Turtle Raine

Occasional translation projects for Chinese BL danmei novels

Chapter 08: The Kiss

Jiang Lin looked at Li Qianxing in astonishment. Although he knew Li Qianxing wasn’t one to joke about work, he couldn’t help but doubt if he had heard correctly.

He even asked a redundant question, “You mean… which scene?”

Li Qianxing’s eyes were full of seriousness, “The kissing scene.”

He then added, “I’ve seen Director He’s romance films. The bed scenes are mostly shot using close-ups of body parts combined with silhouettes. I haven’t seen his storyboards yet, so I don’t know which aspects he wants to focus on. We can’t rehearse the bed scene without his guidance, we’ll have to wait for his specific instructions tomorrow.”

Faced with such straightforward words, even Jiang Lin didn’t know how to respond for a moment. The only thought that popped into his head was – does he want to rehearse even the bed scene first?

Li Qianxing waited for a while, but Jiang Lin didn’t say anything. Noticing Jiang Lin’s peculiar expression, he blinked and asked, “Was I… too presumptuous? Did I disturb your rest?”

Snapped back to reality, Jiang Lin quickly composed himself and instinctively put on his usual professional smile. “No, I was just thinking… how to rehearse it? I’ve never filmed a kissing scene before.”

Li Qianxing seemed surprised by this statement and replied without hesitation, “We’ll start from the argument, try it once based on our first instincts, then discuss and adjust based on the recording.”

As he spoke, he raised his hand, waving something. Jiang Lin only then noticed that he was holding a phone tripod.

Seeing Li Qianxing about to set up the tripod, Jiang Lin quickly reached out to stop him.

He moved too hastily, intending to press down on the tripod, but accidentally touched Li Qianxing’s hand instead. He quickly withdrew his hand.

Li Qianxing turned to look at him, puzzled. “Hm?”

Faced with those eyes that seemed so pure and free of worldly thoughts, Jiang Lin felt somewhat embarrassed to make eye contact.

He coughed lightly, covering his mouth with his fist. “Let’s sit down and discuss the plot first.”

Li Qianxing blinked again. Although his face still showed confusion, seeing Jiang Lin’s insistence, he sat down on the sofa.

Jiang Lin slowly sat down as well. After a moment of thought, he began, “This scene is a crucial turning point that changes the mindset of both main characters.”

Li Qianxing nodded. “Their personalities were the main reason for their breakup years ago. They were both too proud to reveal their vulnerabilities to each other, which led to misunderstandings of all sizes. After reuniting, although they’re still attracted to each other, they constantly worry about falling into old patterns.

“Although this argument was triggered by Cheng Yue’s misunderstanding of Ji Ming’an, it brings up old grievances, clearing up those past misunderstandings. It’s only after this that they realize the possibility of a lasting relationship and begin to explore a different path of compromise than before.”

Jiang Lin looked at him. “The past misunderstandings were cleared up, but the misunderstanding that sparked this argument was set aside when they started arguing about the past. Do you think this recent misunderstanding was resolved?”

Li Qianxing was taken aback and said curiously, “Of course it was resolved. Ji Ming’an explained to Cheng Yue afterward, and Cheng Yue didn’t get jealous again.”

Jiang Lin couldn’t help but smile, his eyes crinkling. “It was resolved, but certainly not because of Ji Ming’an’s explanation. Even though I’ve never been in a relationship, I know these things can’t be resolved just by explaining. The reason Cheng Yue could maintain a stable mood afterward was because Ji Ming’an’s actions gave him a sense of security.”

Li Qianxing seemed not to have considered this aspect. He lowered his eyes, quietly pondering for a moment, and murmured, “You’re right…”

Jiang Lin continued, “During the initial read-through, we rushed through this part, and Director He didn’t go into detail. But based on my understanding of Cheng Yue’s character, even if he gets angry enough to forcefully kiss Ji Ming’an, that’s as far as it goes. The subsequent development isn’t actually in his control.”

Li Qianxing’s face showed agreement. “I had the same feeling. In this argument, Ji Ming’an was initially angry that Cheng Yue didn’t come to ask him first when the misunderstanding arose, allowing it to snowball. But after bringing up old grievances and hashing out the past, Ji Ming’an’s anger gradually turned to happiness.”

“He’s the type of person guided by intuition. At this point, he’s already vaguely sensed a path that could lead them further. So, he’s desperate to hold onto Cheng Yue. After that, Ji Ming’an isn’t arguing with Cheng Yue, but deliberately provoking him. That development is actually led by him.”

Jiang Lin: “So, in that kissing scene, have you thought about how to convey this underlying initiative?”

Li Qianxing: “That’s why I came to rehearse. This is also my first time filming a real kissing scene. We need to try it out to know what kind of performance will be effective. If we practice several times tonight, we’ll have a reference point. Then tomorrow, we can make detailed adjustments based on the director’s requirements, which will save shooting time.”

Jiang Lin didn’t answer directly. Instead, he stood up and poured two glasses of water, handing the warm one to Li Qianxing.

After talking so much, Li Qianxing didn’t refuse and took a few sips to moisten his throat.

While drinking his water, Jiang Lin slowly said, “Director He’s style is very nuanced. He delves deep into the characters’ inner worlds and expresses it through subtle details. That’s his strength.”

Li Qianxing looked confused, seemingly not understanding why he suddenly brought this up but still nodded in agreement. “Mm.”

Jiang Lin: “A major reason Director He chose us as the leads is that he values our lack of experience in romance films. Without residual traces of previous performances, we can fully embody his vision. But he didn’t choose newcomers because he also values our innate talent.

“Good actors can grasp his direction quickly, without needing to be taught everything from scratch. This aligns with another aspect of his working style – he likes to capture an actor’s initial instincts after receiving direction, saying that performance often best reflects his intentions.”

Li Qianxing didn’t quite understand. “So?”

Jiang Lin smiled, “So, if we rehearse as you planned, it might go against Director He’s intentions. He probably delayed sending out the schedule until today hoping we wouldn’t think too much about those scenes in advance.”

This time, Li Qianxing lowered his gaze and pondered for longer.

Jiang Lin wasn’t in a hurry, slowly sipping his water as he waited.

Honestly, he had initially thought Li Qianxing’s idea of rehearsing just meant discussing their coordinated movements and practicing the positioning. He didn’t expect Li Qianxing to not only want to actually practice but even record it for discussion and repeated practice.

Although Jiang Lin considered himself very professional when it came to acting, ready to give up his first kiss for his career tomorrow, compared to Li Qianxing now, he had to admit that if they really kissed tonight, he would feel like he was taking advantage of someone.

It was those eyes of Li Qianxing’s, so pure, without a trace of ulterior motive beyond the scene.

Just as Jiang Lin was lost in thought, Li Qianxing looked up. From his expression, it was clear he had given up on his earlier rehearsal idea.

Jiang Lin was about to say a few polite words and see him out when he suddenly heard Li Qianxing ask –

“Have you ever kissed anyone?”

For a moment, Jiang Lin unconsciously tightened his grip on the glass, causing the water surface to ripple.

However, Li Qianxing didn’t seem to need his answer and continued on his own –

“I haven’t. And for something I’ve never actually experienced, I’m afraid I won’t understand the director’s guidance deeply enough when he gives it, or even if I understand, I might not be able to control my body to express it effectively.”

Jiang Lin: “…”

Looking into Li Qianxing’s calm eyes, an absurd thought occurred to him.

Sure enough, he heard Li Qianxing continue –

“Simulated bed scenes are fine, but kiss scenes are shot for real. So, I’d like to experience it first. We don’t have to use any scene from the script, we can create our own scenario. For instance, it could be in the characters’ daily life after the events of the film, kissing naturally.”

As Li Qianxing spoke, Jiang Lin felt his heartbeat subtly quickening beyond his control.

He gazed into Li Qianxing’s eyes, thinking this person was truly crazy.

Unexpectedly, Yan Yi’s scolding echoed in his mind – “How can you be so crazy?! Starving yourself for days just to play a minor role! What if you get sick?!”

How did he respond back then? It was something like – “Acting skills don’t appear out of thin air. If possible, experiencing something once is better than observing and imitating it a hundred times.”

Even a single experience creates muscle memory.

It’s true for hunger, and it’s true for kissing.

Jiang Lin’s gaze involuntarily fell on Li Qianxing’s lips.

Seeing no response from Jiang Lin, Li Qianxing seemed disappointed. “Of course, if you’re not willing…”

There was a soft clink.

Jiang Lin bent down to place his glass on the coffee table, then moved closer to Li Qianxing. He took one of Li Qianxing’s hands, his eyes full of affection.


Li Qianxing’s eyes widened slightly, then he instantly got into character. He leaned back against the sofa, his lips curving upward, his whole body exuding languidness.

He raised his other hand, caressing Jiang Lin’s face with a hint of playfulness, then moved to the nape of his neck, applying suggestive pressure.

Without a word, his intention to urge his lover to kiss him couldn’t be clearer.

Jiang Lin slowly leaned in.

They were close enough to feel each other’s breath, both instinctively narrowing their eyes to see each other’s faces clearly.

Jiang Lin paused a moment, his lips almost touching Li Qianxing’s, before finally pressing against them.

He first nuzzled gently, then licked lightly, before sucking softly on Li Qianxing’s lips. As if afraid of startling him, his exploration was cautious and tender.

After a moment, Li Qianxing took the initiative, parting his lips and leaning in.

Their lips pressed tightly together, their breathing becoming slightly rapid.

After a while, Jiang Lin pulled back slightly, catching his breath.

Li Qianxing, still with half-lidded eyes, spoke in a slightly husky voice, “Why didn’t you use your tongue?”

His hand slid back to Jiang Lin’s face, caressing with alternating light and firm touches.

“A week-long business trip, we haven’t seen each other for so long, I…” he licked his now reddened lips, “want you to kiss me deeper.”

Jiang Lin felt his heart skip a beat, as if hearing something snap inside him.

The next moment, he fiercely captured the lips before him.

An electrifying tingle shot from his tongue to the top of his head, a tremor spreading through his entire body.

At first, the inexperienced pair had to part frequently to catch their breath, but soon, the intervals grew shorter, and their breathing became more heated.

Only when his chest ached and his tongue went numb did Jiang Lin finally regain his senses, propping himself up.

By then, he had unknowingly pushed Li Qianxing down onto the sofa.

Li Qianxing’s light purple hair was spread across the dark leather cushion. His half-lidded eyes glistened slightly, the corners tinged red.

For a moment, Jiang Lin felt dazed – was this Ji Ming’an or Li Qianxing? And himself, was he Cheng Yue or Jiang Lin?

To doubt meant he had already broken character.

Jiang Lin took a deep breath, sat up straight, handed Li Qianxing a tissue, then picked up his own water glass, using it to mask his slight embarrassment.

Li Qianxing quickly sat up as well, finishing his water. When he spoke, his voice was almost back to normal.

“Thank you for your cooperation.”

Jiang Lin glanced over, seeing Li Qianxing had already resumed his usual expressionless demeanor. He couldn’t help but marvel at his ability to switch in and out of character so easily.

The thanks was awkward to respond to, so Jiang Lin changed the subject. “Did you learn anything?”

Li Qianxing actually pondered this and then said, “At least I learned how to breathe properly. I shouldn’t be too flustered in front of the camera tomorrow.”

Jiang Lin: “…”

Just then, music played. Li Qianxing took out his phone, looked at it, and said to Jiang Lin, “It’s getting late, I should head back.”

Jiang Lin stood up and walked Li Qianxing to the door, opening it.

Li Qianxing: “Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Jiang.”

They had just shared an intimate kiss, yet now they were as formal as strangers.

Jiang Lin couldn’t help saying, “If you’re not comfortable calling me Xiao Jiang, you can just call me Jiang Lin.”

Li Qianxing looked at him directly. “But you call me Teacher Li. We’re not that far apart in age, equal terms of address are polite.”

Jiang Lin was taken aback, not expecting this reason. He smiled and corrected himself, “Li-ge worked hard too.”

Li Qianxing blinked and nodded. “Then, see you tomorrow.”

Jiang Lin: “See you tomorrow.”

After watching Li Qianxing swipe into the adjacent room, Jiang Lin closed his door.

Turning around, he leaned directly against the door.

Jiang Lin closed his eyes, rubbing his brow forcefully.

“How did Xingyi manage to raise such an innocent big star…”

However, after this low mutter, he couldn’t help but smile.

<< DFLM Chapter 07DFLM Chapter 09 >>

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Hey there, I’m Raine. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my translations. I am not a professional translator. Translations found on this site are not official. My translations are a mix of MTL and the little Chinese I learned in college.

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Special Thanks to..

Our lovely July-August supporters:
Heemi, Beverly, Lenka, Karo, Gracie, Vina, Stranger, Sairun, Minh, mvz_heaven

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