Turtle Raine

Occasional translation projects for Chinese BL danmei novels

Chapter 25: Wrapping Up

The crew entered the university campus to film the final scenes, with an estimated shooting time of one to ten days. Coincidentally, they chose Jiang Lin’s alma mater, Y Drama Academy.

Although the school was on summer break, some students remained on campus. The production team directly recruited extras from the school, as drama students generally had better looks, and some even had acting experience, capable of handling minor speaking roles. Filming here was relatively more convenient.

However, in such an environment, keeping the filming content confidential was impossible. Outdoor scenes were inevitably surrounded by crowds and paparazzi. Even for indoor scenes like classrooms or dormitories, while the crew could prevent people from entering the set, they couldn’t stop long-focus lenses from afar.

The 99CP super topic heated up again. Every day, Y Drama Academy students uploaded photos of Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin, while some wealthy CP fans bought paparazzi photos and videos daily. Big names in the circle were creating content as if on steroids.

Nevertheless, this didn’t affect Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin. Performing in front of numerous eyes and cameras was the first lesson in becoming an actor. No matter how crowded the set, they remained undisturbed, consistently delivering their performances.

They continued filming until the eighth day. After successfully shooting two scenes in the morning, they would film the last scene in the afternoon, wrapping up the entire drama. That evening, the crew would gather for a wrap party and farewell dinner.

The crew’s stay at the school wasn’t long, so they didn’t rent trailers, except for Li Qianxing’s private one. As usual, he invited He Zhanpeng and Jiang Lin to rest there, though He Zhanpeng, being busy, rarely came. Jiang Lin was naturally happy to accompany him.

That noon, they ate lunch in the trailer with their assistants. Xiao Zhu and Xiao Ding’s phones vibrated simultaneously with a group notification.

Xiao Zhu checked it and reported to Li Qianxing, “It’s about the wrap party’s time and location. We’re filming the last scene soon, and some might leave early, so people can go there on their own when it’s time.”

Jiang Lin casually asked, “Li-ge, are you leaving early?”

Li Qianxing shook his head, “I’ll go with the crew.”

Jiang Lin continued, “After the wrap party, we’ll part ways. Are you going home tomorrow? What time? We might be on the same flight.”

Li Qianxing responded, “Tomorrow afternoon. Xiao Zhu.”

Xiao Zhu understood and provided the specific time and flight number.

Jiang Lin smiled, “What a coincidence, it’s the same flight.”

Beside them, Xiao Ding silently ate, only daring to retort in his mind – What coincidence? He’ll definitely ask me to change to that flight later.

After finishing their meal and resting briefly, they left the trailer for makeup, seeing it was almost time.

The crew had rented a three-story building on campus as their “base” during this period. The final scene would be shot on the rooftop, with staff busy carrying equipment up.

Their current university student makeup was a bit time-consuming, and Jiang Lin’s injured makeup for this scene took even longer.

The makeup artist finally finished and joked, “When today’s set photos are released, fans will feel sorry for Teacher Jiang.”

Jiang Lin looked in the mirror and turned to ask Li Qianxing, “Li-ge, does it look pitiful?”

Li Qianxing glanced up, “First, you should wipe that smile off your face.”

This only made Jiang Lin grin wider.

They stood up to leave, and seeing the nearby stairs crowded, they circled to the far end.

The staircase here was just wide enough for two people, with Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin walking up side by side.

Jiang Lin suddenly said, “This reminds me of the table read when we walked upstairs together.”

Li Qianxing, prompted by his words, recalled they were discussing the campus scenes during that read-through. He smiled slightly, “I understand now why Director He was dissatisfied with us then. Looking back, I’m dissatisfied too.”

Jiang Lin continued with a smile, “Now that we’ve filmed it, we’ve managed to satisfy Director He, even earning his praise for the small details we changed.”

Li Qianxing mused, “Director He’s arrangement was indeed brilliant.”

In the drama, Ji Ming’an and Cheng Yue experience love at first sight, being at an age prone to impulsiveness, unable to hide their feelings.

After three months of immersive filming, Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin now deeply understood the expression of love, naturally able to portray the uncontrollable heart-fluttering moments in every glance and brush of shoulders.

Jiang Lin sighed, “It’s a pity. Love comes easy, but staying together is hard. They end up separating at graduation.”

Li Qianxing replied, “That’s not surprising at all.”

He analyzed, “Ji Ming’an grew up with divorced parents, nobody to care for him, becoming fiercely independent and forming a quite selfish personality, unable to empathize with others. Cheng Yue grew up in a blended family, with a stepmother favoring her own son and a traditional, authoritarian father, making him much more sensitive than most.

“These two lasting two years before breaking up is entirely because they’re both so love-starved that once they get it, they don’t want to let go. But neither knows how to love or be loved. Only by separating can they be forced to examine themselves, grow and change, willing to open their hearts, communicate, and be tolerant.

“However, if not for such personalities, a hormonal, impulsive love probably wouldn’t have left them unable to forget each other for five or six years.”

Jiang Lin nodded, “It’s like a perfect match. After all the twists and turns, they still end up together.”

The final scene they were about to shoot represented the first elevation of their relationship, a crucial psychological basis for their lingering feelings, while also hinting at their breakup and reunion.

Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin arrived on the rooftop to prepare. Soon, this scene began filming amidst the anticipation of numerous crew members.

Ji Ming’an applied medicine to Cheng Yue while muttering, “Are you stupid? You can’t even fight, why rush in to get beaten up!”

Cheng Yue sat dejectedly on the ground, mumbling, “Should I have just watched you fight them alone? How could I?”

Ji Ming’an retorted, “I have experience. I know how to dodge and run! But you, you just charged right in!”

Cheng Yue looked up, staring incredulously, “I’m injured, and you’re blaming me?!”

Ji Ming’an glared back, “You’re so stubborn and inflexible, I can’t even say anything?! You could’ve at least found something to use as a weapon or scared them by saying you’d called for backup!”

Cheng Yue hung his head again, falling silent.

Seeing his demeanor, Ji Ming’an felt he’d been too harsh. Trying to lighten the mood, he softened his tone, “Still, I didn’t expect a good student like you to be so fierce when provoked. You hit as hard as I do. Those bullies who only pick on the weak will think twice before messing with us again after this beating. I guess the injury was worth it.”

Cheng Yue kept staring at the ground, finally responding after a while, “You planned to deal with them earlier, also to protect me. It wasn’t necessary. There’s no need to care about what people like that say.”

Ji Ming’an frowned instantly, “That won’t do! I can’t stand seeing them bully my boyfriend like that!”

Cheng Yue finally looked up, his expression complex. “What if I hadn’t arrived in time when they came after you this time?”

Ji Ming’an’s eyes flashed with disdain. “I had it under control. Actually, I could have handled those few on my own.”

Cheng Yue took a deep breath. “So, you think I brought this beating on myself by jumping in.”

Ji Ming’an’s gaze wavered for a moment.

Cheng Yue’s hand at his side clenched into a fist, then relaxed. “I see.”

He stood up. “It’s almost time for class. I’ll go back to the dorm to get my textbooks.”

Ji Ming’an stood up, too, looking somewhat bewildered.

Cheng Yue turned around.

Ji Ming’an felt an inexplicable panic, opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

Cheng Yue took a step.

But just as he moved, he heard Ji Ming’an’s low voice behind him.

“…Stupid Ah Yue…”

Cheng Yue stopped abruptly, his heart surging – “Ah Yue.”

Although Cheng Yue had confessed first, Ji Ming’an was bolder and more open in their relationship, often teasing Cheng Yue to the point of losing control. Only during these flirtatious moments would Ji Ming’an call him “Ah Yue.”

This nickname was almost Ji Ming’an’s most direct expression of love.

Cheng Yue turned back, meeting Ji Ming’an’s aggrieved gaze.

His heart ached, and he instinctively stepped forward, embracing the other.

Ji Ming’an didn’t speak but hugged him back.

They held each other silently for a moment.

Cheng Yue sighed, pulling back slightly to look into Ji Ming’an’s eyes. “I just… think your safety is the most important thing.”

Ji Ming’an gently bumped his forehead against Cheng Yue’s. “Actually, when you rushed over without hesitation, I was really touched. Truly.”

Cheng Yue’s furrowed brow gradually relaxed, the corners of his mouth slowly turning upward.

But just as his smile began to form, he suddenly winced with a “tss,” reflexively pulling back one hand to cover the wound at the corner of his mouth.

Ji Ming’an burst out laughing.

Cheng Yue’s face showed resignation. “Laughing at me again.”

Ji Ming’an’s eyes twinkled with laughter as he gently pulled Cheng Yue’s hand away and leaned in to softly blow on the corner of his mouth. “Better now?”

This time, Cheng Yue couldn’t help but smile despite the pain, “Mm-hmm.”

With Director He Zhanpeng’s “Cut!”, all eyes in the crew focused on him.

Jiang Lin was about to go check the playback when he noticed Li Qianxing staring pensively at the corner of his mouth. He asked curiously, “Did my injury makeup come off?”

Li Qianxing shook his head. “No. I was just wondering if blowing on it really helps ease the pain.”

Jiang Lin found the question amusing. “It’s psychological comfort. Didn’t your parents blow on your injuries when you were little?”

Li Qianxing thought for a moment. “No, they just disinfected and applied medicine, then patted my head or gave me a hug.”

Jiang Lin: “It has the same effect as a pat on the head or a hug.”

They spoke quietly as they walked to He Zhanpeng’s side to watch the second playback.

After viewing it, He Zhanpeng picked up the megaphone and announced: “It’s a wrap!”

Cheers erupted all around.

Jiang Lin smiled and extended his hand to Li Qianxing. “It’s been over three months, Teacher Li. You’ve worked hard.”

Li Qianxing took his hand, also smiling. “You too, Teacher Jiang.”

He Zhanpeng opened his arms, embracing them both. “You’ve both done well! Go remove your makeup. Let’s have a good meal tonight. Especially you, Xiao Li, you’ve been on a strict diet. It hasn’t been easy.”

As the crew bustled about packing up, Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin went downstairs to the rest area to remove their makeup and change clothes.

Besides his facial makeup, Jiang Lin also had several “injuries” on his arms, which took extra time. When he finished changing and came out, Li Qianxing was no longer there.

He left the building and went to the trailer but found only Xiao Zhu and Xiao Ding packing up inside.

Jiang Lin: “Where’s Li-ge?”

Xiao Zhu looked up from her work. “He’s probably on the rooftop we just left.”

Jiang Lin was puzzled. “At this time? Shouldn’t it be empty up there?”

Xiao Zhu: “That’s why he went up. It’s his habit after wrapping up.”

Jiang Lin didn’t understand this “habit” but didn’t ask further. He left the trailer and returned to the building, climbing the stairs again.

The rooftop was cleared of all equipment, with only Li Qianxing leaning against the railing, facing outward.

Afraid of startling him, Jiang Lin approached directly. As he got closer, he noticed Li Qianxing holding a cigarette between his fingers.

Li Qianxing turned his head at the sound of footsteps, nodded at Jiang Lin, then resumed gazing outward.

Jiang Lin leaned back against the railing, resting his elbows on it, and looked sideways at Li Qianxing.

Li Qianxing raised his hand, bringing the cigarette to his lips, took a drag, then slowly exhaled.

Jiang Lin: “So you really do smoke.”

In the drama, Ji Ming’an had several smoking scenes. Jiang Lin hadn’t seen Li Qianxing smoke before and thought he was just pretending.

Li Qianxing, relaxed, casually scanned the campus. “I can smoke, but I’m not addicted. After each wrap, I habitually smoke one where we shot the last scene. It’s like the character dissolves in the smoke, leaving my body.”

Jiang Lin raised an eyebrow, turned sideways, and reached out. “How intriguing. Let me try one too, test this unique method of getting out of character.”

Li Qianxing glanced at him, reached into his pocket for a pack, and offered one. “Do you know how?”

Jiang Lin took it, saying, “I learned for a role like you. I can smoke, but I rarely do, and I’m not addicted.”

Li Qianxing put the pack away and searched for his lighter.

However, Jiang Lin put the cigarette to his lips and leaned in, bringing his cigarette tip to Li Qianxing’s.

The ember was small, and when Jiang Lin inhaled, his cigarette didn’t light. He joked self-deprecatingly, “Clearly, I’m out of practice.”

Li Qianxing looked at him, put his cigarette in his mouth, and leaned closer to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin understood and brought his cigarette close again.

The tips of the two cigarettes touched.

Li Qianxing inhaled, making his cigarette glow brighter.

Jiang Lin quickly inhaled too, and his cigarette caught the flame.

Li Qianxing tilted his head up, exhaling smoke in a different direction.

The faint smoke slowly spread, as if enveloping them both.

Jiang Lin also exhaled, praising, “Good cigarette.”

Li Qianxing continued looking outward, suddenly asking, “You graduated from this school, right?”

Jiang Lin: “Mm-hmm. We’ve filmed at several places I used to pass by often.”

Li Qianxing gestured with his chin. “Is that the theater over there?”

Jiang Lin looked and identified it. “Yes, the acting department’s graduation performances are held there every year.”

Li Qianxing: “I heard you stood out in your graduation performance. What did you perform?”

Jiang Lin: “Our class wrote an alternate history play. I was the lead, a poet who died unjustly.”

He briefly described the plot, then asked, “What about your graduation performance, Li-ge?”

Li Qianxing: “A modern adaptation of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. I played the Phantom.”

Although they attended different schools, both had studied acting. Reminiscing about their college years, they found plenty to discuss.

They finished their cigarettes, and Jiang Lin stubbed his out in the small metal ashtray box.

“I feel… like it really did make me feel a bit lighter.”

Li Qianxing smiled. “It’s self-suggestion from the ritual. As long as it works, that’s what matters.”

He straightened up. “It’s about time to head to the restaurant. Shall we go down?”

Jiang Lin stood up, grabbing the small box first. “You treated me to a cigarette, I’ll dispose of the trash.”

They left the rooftop together and took a car to the restaurant.

The wrap party was lavish. The crew, having worked for over three months, were all in high spirits. Even Director He Zhanpeng drank quite a bit in his joy.

However, the two lead actors didn’t drink. As the financial backer, no one dared to pressure Li Qianxing to drink. Jiang Lin also abstained but faced some pressure from others.

Yet Jiang Lin, skilled as he was, managed to fend everyone off with his silver tongue while holding just a glass of juice.

Li Qianxing found it curious. “Can’t you drink? Or is your alcohol tolerance low?”

Jiang Lin, focusing on the light dishes on the table and deftly using the serving chopsticks to fill Li Qianxing’s plate, replied, “My tolerance is fine, but I have something important tonight, so it’s not convenient to drink.”

He didn’t specify what, and Li Qianxing tactfully didn’t inquire further. “I can serve myself. You eat your own food.”

Jiang Lin smiled. “You can’t, Li-ge. We haven’t had a big meal in three months, so even at our table, we need to grab quickly. I’m skilled at this, don’t worry about me. If I serve you something you don’t eat, just put it in my bowl.”

Li Qianxing was a bit helpless. “We can order more if it’s not enough.”

Jiang Lin leaned close to his ear. “That would mean making them wait hungrily for more food. Let’s eat our fill first.”

Li Qianxing glanced at him but said no more, quietly eating what Jiang Lin served him.

Not drinking, they finished eating quickly and didn’t linger. They stood to bid farewell to Director He and the producer.

Leaving the private room, Li Qianxing stopped by the restroom. Upon returning, he found only Xiao Zhu waiting for him.

Li Qianxing: “Where are the others?”

Xiao Zhu: “Lin-ge just received a call, said he had something to do and left first.”

Li Qianxing asked curiously, “Does he have a car?”

As they had shared Li Qianxing’s rented car for the past eight days, Jiang Lin hadn’t rented his own.

Xiao Zhu wasn’t entirely sure. “From his conversation, it seemed someone was coming to pick him up.”

Li Qianxing didn’t dwell on it. He left with Xiao Zhu and took his car back to the hotel.

The car first stopped at the hotel entrance. As they got out, they saw Xiao Ding running out from inside.

Xiao Ding called out “Li-ge” and then grabbed Xiao Zhu. “Xiao Zhu, I left something in the trailer. Could you help me open it?”

Xiao Zhu responded, “Alright. Li-ge, you go up first. Xiao Ding and I will go to the trailer.”

Li Qianxing nodded and entered the hotel alone.

His floor was high up. Exiting the elevator, his steps on the carpet were nearly silent.

This floor had four suites in total, housing Li Qianxing, Jiang Lin, and He Zhanpeng.

Li Qianxing walked a few steps forward when he suddenly saw someone exit the room opposite Jiang Lin’s.

The person was tall, dressed in a black suit, wearing a hat pulled low over his face, and carrying a large bouquet of red roses.

Li Qianxing paid little attention, walking on his side of the hallway.

The person from across kept his head down, walking towards the elevator.

They slowly approached each other, about to pass.

Li Qianxing stopped at his room door, not turning around, but waiting for the other to pass by—he was a bit wary, not wanting to turn his back.

But suddenly, the person changed direction, taking two large diagonal steps to stop in front of Li Qianxing.

Li Qianxing immediately tensed up, cautiously stepping back and frowning as he tried to see the other’s face.

The person raised his head, removing his hat to reveal a youthful, energetic hairstyle.

Li Qianxing’s eyes widened slightly. “You…”

Jiang Lin looked down at him, his smile as radiant as the roses he held.

<< DFLM Chapter 24DFLM Chapter 26 >>

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Hey there, I’m Raine. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my translations. I am not a professional translator. Translations found on this site are not official. My translations are a mix of MTL and the little Chinese I learned in college.

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Special Thanks to..

Our lovely July-August supporters:
Heemi, Beverly, Lenka, Karo, Gracie, Vina, Stranger, Sairun, Minh, mvz_heaven

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