Chapter 43: Film Festival

After five and a half months of post-production, “Reunion” was submitted by He Zhanpeng for consideration at the WL Film Festival and successfully entered the main competition unit.

On the day the film festival’s official website announced the selected works, “Reunion’s” official Weibo account was finally created, releasing the poster and announcing the release date. Xingyi bought trending topics for promotion.

The poster was still the one He Zhanpeng had released at the start of filming, featuring a combination of bar and classroom scenes. However, the original silhouettes were replaced with clear portraits, with the characters overlaying the title “Reunion” in the background.

In the poster, Jiang Lin embraced Li Qianxing, who in turn held Jiang Lin. Their deeply affectionate gazes instantly breathed life into the image. One glance was enough to convey the passionate love between this young couple.

The 99CP fandom had been established on the day “Reunion” began filming. CP fans, who had been following He Zhanpeng closely, saw his repost of the official Weibo even before Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin, who were still filming. They immediately shared the poster in their CP super topic, celebrating joyfully.

[Who’s grinning like a fool looking at this poster? Oh, it’s me. It’s so sweet!]
[Valentine’s Day release, it must have a happy ending! If it doesn’t, I’ll crawl through the internet at midnight to have a word with Director He!]
[Hehe, I’m in WL. I’ll buy tickets as soon as they’re available and report back after watching.]
[It’s only half a month away, I’m not jealous at all. crying]
[Wait, what’s wrong with you all? I’ve been in RPS fandoms for years, but I’ve never seen such laid-back CP fans! Is this the time to talk about the movie? Shouldn’t we be thinking about the red carpet and fan support?]
[Don’t be so agitated, sis. The 99CP fandom was originally based on casual fans of Qianxing and Lin-ge. The variety show brought in more, but with little content, many aren’t active now.]
[It’s mainly because no one’s organizing. How about those in WL form a group to support them on the red carpet?]
[Bad news, 99 will still be filming in China on opening day. No red carpet.]
[Oh my god, what kind of laid-back CP did I get into? Not only do they not interact, but they’re also skipping the red carpet at an international film festival! Others would do anything to attend.]
[As a ten-year fan of Qianxing, I can confirm he doesn’t really like red carpets. He rarely attends openings, only closing ceremonies if he has a chance of winning.]
[They’ll surely do a roadshow when the film releases, right? And special fan meetings?]
[Qianxing never participates in offline promotions. Lin-ge would, but it seems odd for just him to promote a romance film. So, probably nothing.]
[Sigh, then we can only hope “Reunion” wins an award.]

On the film festival’s opening day, “Reunion’s” official Weibo released a 90-second promotional video.

It primarily featured intercut solo shots of the two leads in various settings: campus, street scenes, bars, and offices. Interspersed were several duo scenes: their heart-fluttering first encounter, shadowy figures in a hotel bathroom, an ambiguous reunion, an argument escalating into an uncontrollable passionate kiss, cuddling in the rising sun, and finally ending with an empty rose-covered archway.

In this brief span, viewers were drawn into the beautiful story, becoming engrossed. The comments section quickly filled with expressions of strong viewing intent.

99CP fans even complained that it was too short to satisfy their cravings. Several wealthy members inquired about the festival’s ticket release schedule and immediately book flights to WL.

Over the next few days, as fans anxiously waited, the advance team at the film festival kept sending back good news.

[Happy ending! A big happy ending! I almost screamed in the theater, it was so sweet!]
[Director He’s visuals are incredible. The pacing is both beautiful and swift. I immediately grabbed tickets for the next showing as soon as I left.]
[The story is wonderfully beautiful. That pure first love in college, ending in a breakup after graduation, is a bittersweet memory for so many. Seeing the leads get back together feels like a dream come true.]
[I was also very moved. But isn’t it hard for such a happy-ending film to win awards? I’m worried.]
[News flash—the festival bulletin gave it a 3.7 score! We’re set! At least one award in the bag!]
[Thank god! Thank all the gods! Thank Grandma Li’s red thread!]
[Pfft, thanking the bloodsucking red thread too?]
[Upstairs, you must not follow Grandma Li. She’s appeared in the CP supertopic and has a very high level there.]
[Oh wow… This is so… so cool!]


Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin arrived in WL when the film festival was already halfway through.

However, besides judging awards, the film festival’s main purpose is to sell films to markets worldwide. Whether for promotion or pitching, Xingyi had experienced teams to handle it. The producer played the most crucial role, followed by the director. The presence of the two leads wasn’t particularly important.

Li Qianxing’s attendance was optional, but he knew Jiang Lin needed opportunities for exposure and networking. Moreover, after “Reunion’s” premiere, the festival bulletin gave it a high score. With luck, they might win Best Actor or Best Picture.

So, as soon as filming wrapped for “Xuanji: Transformation,” the two immediately flew to WL.

Initially, Jiang Lin wanted to attend the promotions alone, letting Li Qianxing rest at the hotel or watch films he was interested in. But as fans had pointed out, it seemed odd for only one lead to promote a romance film.

So Li Qianxing also attended for a few days and was spotted by some fans who came to watch the film. They approached to congratulate them.

Although the pair had never organized dedicated fan events, they had interacted with moviegoers and fans at large events. Jiang Lin, in particular, was experienced with roadshows and special screenings, charming the fans immensely.

The fans immediately shared candid photos in the 99CP supertopic, including autographs, group photos, and many shots of the couple together, sending the other fans into a frenzy of excitement and envy.

[Ah, I’m going to wait for them tomorrow too!]
[I regret so much now. If only I’d worked harder to earn more, I could fly to WL to see them. TAT]
[Qianxing actually showed up for promotion! As they say, he must really love him!]
[Does this mean there will be a roadshow? Does it? Does it? Does it?]
[Give up hope, Lin-ge said there won’t be any offline events in China.]
[Am I the only one who noticed Lin-ge secretly holding Qianxing’s hand?]
[It wasn’t “secret” at all, it was completely open. When the crowd dispersed, it got a bit chaotic as we approached them. Lin-ge was constantly protecting Qianxing.]
[I noticed earlier. In all photos and videos, Lin-ge is always half a step ahead of Qianxing. They might not do fan service, but whenever they appear together, it’s a massive outpouring of dog food.]

That evening, Jiang Lin relaxed and browsed the CP supertopic as usual. Seeing fans had already created several comic strips and short stories based on the candid photos, and marveling at the “evidence of love” that fans had meticulously uncovered, he couldn’t help but admire their sharp eyes.

Li Qianxing finished his shower and walked to the bed, drying his hair. “What are you looking at? You seem so happy.”

Jiang Lin pulled him down to sit, handed him the phone, and picked up the hairdryer to dry his hair. “I’m looking at fan-created content and their ‘proof’ of our relationship. It’s quite interesting.”

Li Qianxing casually scrolled through, suddenly pausing on two photos.

One showed him looking at Jiang Lin, who was talking to a foreign director. The other showed him looking at his phone while Jiang Lin watched him.

The post caption read: [The way 99 look at each other is exactly like Ji Ming’an and Cheng Yue’s gazes! Irrefutable evidence, my CP is real, no arguments accepted!]

Looking at those two photos, Li Qianxing felt a bit dazed—apparently, without realizing it, the way he looked at Jiang Lin, and how Jiang Lin looked at him, had become like this.

After drying Li Qianxing’s hair, Jiang Lin hugged him as they lay on the bed, sighing softly, “Like the variety show last time, and now this time, I’ve dragged you into activities you don’t enjoy again.”

Li Qianxing turned to him and kissed his cheek. “I had fun last time. This time I’ll just be a vase for a few days, while you handle the socializing. When two people are together, there’s no ‘dragging down’. If I ever lose my memory, I’ll be counting on you to take care of me.”

Jiang Lin burst out laughing, returning the kiss. “If you find that plot interesting, we could film a short drama at home ourselves.”

Li Qianxing actually seemed intrigued, thought for a moment before replying, “That storyline’s character setting is too extreme, but I quite like the other two.”

They chatted about this topic for a while.

Li Qianxing then changed the subject. “Do you have plans to expand internationally?”

Jiang Lin shook his head. “The domestic market is so large, now it’s foreigners trying to break into China. As long as I’m not limited in my development here, there’s no need to go abroad.”

Li Qianxing asked, “Have you decided on your next project?”

Jiang Lin: “I’ve agreed to a special guest role as the third male lead in a period drama. For lead roles, we’re still in talks. Yan-jie said we’d discuss specifics after ‘Reunion’ is released. From the looks of it, this film will definitely win a major award. If the box office is good too, my status and pay will rise accordingly. What about you?”

Li Qianxing: “My brother has a pile of scripts sent over, but I haven’t had time to look at them yet.”

Jiang Lin: “If you see anything suitable for me, you can recommend it. Of course, what I’d like most is to co-star with you in another dual male lead film.”

Li Qianxing joked, “If you win another Best Actor in a couple of days, I might not be able to afford your fee.”

Jiang Lin laughed. “If you don’t mind, you could just give me a share of the box office instead of an upfront fee.”

Li Qianxing blinked. “I choose films based on preference, and not every one has great box office. Some might barely break even.”

Jiang Lin took his hand, smiling tenderly. “I’ve worked so hard to become a top actor, isn’t it also so I can take roles I like without too many restrictions? Besides, as long as we maintain a good reputation, if we ever need money, we can always do a commercial film to earn it back.”

Li Qianxing squeezed his hand back, eyes shining. “Alright, it’s settled then.”


Two days before the film festival’s closing ceremony, the “Reunion” team unsurprisingly received an invitation to the awards ceremony.

That evening, Qi Jingnian flew to WL with the makeup and styling team. As a producer, he could also attend the awards ceremony with the group.

Liao Hai and Xiang Xiaohu were on the same flight. As main supporting actors in the film, they could walk the red carpet together.

This was common in the industry. Liao Hai, having been in the circle for a long time, was quite at ease with it. After being enlightened by He Zhanpeng last time, he had promptly clarified his career path and now had accumulated a group of loyal career fans. Even if he was just accompanying the leads, walking this red carpet would make his fans happy.

Xiang Xiaohu felt very embarrassed, always feeling that as a pure newcomer and only the third male lead, he was just piggybacking on the two veteran actors’ red carpet appearance. It took Jiang Lin’s encouragement to help him let go of his mental burden and learn to be a bit thick-skinned.

On the morning of the closing ceremony, after breakfast, the crew started styling and makeup. Xingyi’s experienced team had rented a venue well in advance.

By noon, they quickly ate something and got into cars to queue outside the venue.

He Zhanpeng looked at Li Qianxing and Jiang Lin sitting opposite him and smiled, “I thought you two would dress up like your characters in the film.”

Jiang Lin took Li Qianxing’s hand beside him and laughed, “I’d love to, but Director He, you didn’t leave us the wedding rings from the film.”

He Zhanpeng laughed heartily, then said to Qi Jingnian and the producer, “Now that Xiao Jiang mentions it, why don’t we make replicas of those rings as gifts for the domestic premiere?”

Qi Jingnian glanced at his brother’s hand, still held by Jiang Lin, and nodded with a smile, “That’s a great idea. I’ll discuss it with the PR department later.”

As a director, He Zhanpeng was used to taking care of everyone. He noticed Xiaohu’s nervousness and teased him, “Xiaohu, there’s still heating in the car, why are your legs already shaking? Just walk normally, don’t be afraid.”

Xiang Xiaohu was so nervous he could barely speak, “O-okay, Director He…”

Liao Hai beside him laughed and put an arm around his shoulders, “Don’t worry, I’ll hold onto you later. Director He will lead, Teacher Li and Teacher Jiang on his left, we’ll be on his right. Just think, everyone will be looking at them anyway, we just need to walk across to complete our task. That way, you won’t be so nervous.”

With this reassurance, Xiang Xiaohu felt much more relaxed. Indeed, he was just tagging along on the red carpet, no one would be focusing on him. As long as he didn’t embarrass himself and the crew, it would be fine.

Li Qianxing, who had been resting with his eyes closed, remembered Xiang Xiaohu’s earlier struggles. He opened his eyes, looked at him, and casually asked, “Have you signed with a company now?”

Xiang Xiaohu scratched his head, “I’ve been working as an extra recently, and played a few minor supporting roles. I’m still in talks with companies. You and Lin-ge both said to wait until ‘Reunion’ is released, so I’ve been waiting.”

Jiang Lin chimed in with a smile, “Before you sign, make sure to have a lawyer look over the contract. Don’t skimp on that expense. If you trust me, I can take a look for you too.”

Xiang Xiaohu nodded vigorously, clearly pleased, “Thank you, Lin-ge!”

They waited for over an hour, chatting casually to pass the time, until the car finally started moving slowly.

Jiang Lin checked the time and took out a thermos from his bag, handing it to Li Qianxing, “Qianxing, drink a bit. Having something in your stomach will help you withstand the wind later.”

Both of their outfits were form-fitting, making it difficult to use heat packs underneath. It was still chilly in early February in WL, and even in the afternoon, walking the red carpet for tens of meters in the wind would be cold.

Li Qianxing took the thermos, opened it, and slowly drank several mouthfuls. Jiang Lin then gave him another cup. After he finished drinking, Jiang Lin carefully put both cups back in his bag.

Qi Jingnian watched curiously, “Are both cups for Qianxing?”

Jiang Lin smiled, “One cup has porridge in it. This award ceremony will definitely run past dinner time, and there’s a banquet afterwards. If we win an award, we’ll have to make an appearance, which means no time for dinner at all tonight. I made some porridge for Qianxing as a backup. He can eat a bit in the car before the banquet to avoid stomach pain.”

Qi Jingnian listened with great satisfaction.

Xiang Xiaohu asked curiously, “Won’t there be food at the banquet?”

Jiang Lin: “Even if there is, it’s all cold dishes. Besides, those social occasions aren’t really for eating. Anyone who actually eats a lot there will be mocked.”

Xiang Xiaohu: “Huh? Then what if you’re hungry?”

Liao Hai replied from the side, “You just stay hungry. Enduring hunger is a required for actors.”

Xiang Xiaohu’s face fell immediately.

He Zhanpeng comforted him with a smile, “You’re just a kid, no one will make you socialize. Just grab some snacks and eat in a corner, treat it as an experience.”

At this moment, the car stopped, and staff outside politely knocked on the window, opening the door.

He Zhanpeng straightened his clothes and got out first. “Let’s go, children.”

Jiang Lin followed him out, turning back to shield the car roof with his hand.

Li Qianxing was the third to exit, walking with Jiang Lin to He Zhanpeng’s left side. Jiang Lin consciously took two steps outward, letting Li Qianxing stay close to He Zhanpeng, and slightly turned his body, as if protecting him on the inside.

As soon as they exited the car, they were on camera. The 99CP fans watching the live stream became excited, with comments flying by.

[My Lin-ge is a perfect knight! Shielding the car roof for Qianxing killed me!]
[I thought the two leads would be on either side of the director, but Lin-ge so naturally stood beside Qianxing.]
[LOL. What’s a center position compared to his wife?]
[Director He: I feel like I’m the third wheel.]
[They’re both wearing white suits today, isn’t this the same as their wedding outfit in the movie?!]
[There’s a slight difference, the roses are in their chest pockets, not on the collar.]
[Doesn’t matter, even if it’s not a wedding, it’s definitely a couple outfit! Throwing a rose as a wedding gift.]

When all five had exited the car, He Zhanpeng led the way onto the red carpet.

Jiang Lin glanced at the other two, seeing that Liao Hai indeed had his arm around Xiang Xiaohu’s shoulders as he’d said earlier. Xiang Xiaohu still looked nervous, but much better than before, at least his legs weren’t shaking.

Li Qianxing noticed from the corner of his eye that Jiang Lin hadn’t moved. He turned his head slightly, looking down to urge, “Let’s go.”

Jiang Lin lowered his gaze to him, his smile unchanged, and naturally placed his hand on the small of Li Qianxing’s back. “Let’s go.”

Amidst a sea of camera flashes, the five walked unhurriedly along the red carpet, occasionally stopping for a moment at He Zhanpeng’s cue to adjust their poses for the photographers.

The live comments went wild again.

[Lin-ge, look at how the others are showing brotherly affection by putting arms around shoulders. Where’s your hand?!]
[Qianxing’s waist is so slim, I feel like if Lin-ge’s hand stretched just a bit more, he could wrap around him completely.]
[Am I the only pervert who wants to see Lin-ge move his hand lower?]
[Sisters above, you can pay attention when watching the film, he’s done that before~]
[Lin-ge is secretly pulling Qianxing closer while turning, [pointing and gesturing].]
[Where’s our frontline team? Quickly take more wedding photos of them!]

Halfway down the red carpet, the five suddenly heard a unified cheer from one side: “99 Reunion—”

Jiang Lin and Li Qianxing turned to look and found it was the fans they’d met earlier, along with some companions coming to support them. Although it looked like only about a dozen people, they were jumping and waving banners, creating a very lively atmosphere.

The two exchanged a glance, both unconsciously breaking into smiles, and waved to the fans together.

The fans responsible for taking photos with DSLRs immediately started shooting, and several “99 wedding photos” quickly appeared in the CP supertopic.

After walking the bustling red carpet, the five found their crew’s seats. Qi Jingnian and the producer, who had entered earlier, were already waiting for them.

Then came the awards ceremony.

Jiang Lin sat next to Li Qianxing and whispered, “Of the three major film festivals, you’re only missing a WL Best Actor award, right?”

Li Qianxing nodded. “WL values emotional films. I’ve had films nominated before, but never won.”

Jiang Lin secretly took his hand. “I think this time you can.”

Li Qianxing glanced at him, interlocking their fingers. “You won your first major award here with Director He; this time, you can too.”

As awards were announced one by one, “Reunion” hadn’t been mentioned, making the audience watching the screen increasingly nervous.

…Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actress… Finally, Best Actor.

The presenter walked on stage, warmed up the audience with a few words, and opened the envelope.

“The winner of this year’s Best Actor award is—”

As his words paused, the screen behind him lit up.

In the warm light of the morning sun, Cheng Yue nervously opened the ring box, Ji Ming’an shifted his body, extending his hand in front of him.

The presenter continued: “Mr. Jiang Lin and Mr. Li Qianxing from ‘Reunion’! Congratulations to you both!”

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