Chapter 11: I Like You Best

Lu Yunian’s voice was hoarse, his gloomy aura like that of a demon. His suddenly released pheromones overwhelmed his deputy, rendering him speechless. Slowly turning to face him, Lu Yunian asked, “Who did you say was resuscitated?”

The deputy was unsure how to gauge Lu Yunian’s anger. He had abandoned Gu Zeyu earlier, but now seemed ready to demand answers. Lu Yunian supposedly disliked Gu Zeyu; otherwise, why would he fly into a rage at the mention of Gu Zeyu being his Alpha? The deputy even suspected this might all be Lu Yunian’s doing, wanting his Alpha to suffer a bit, not realizing things had spiraled out of control.

“Young Master Gu… The Omega doctor wanted to draw blood for tests. As soon as the needle appeared, Young Master Gu panicked and fled, accidentally hitting a cabinet corner and getting a small cut.” The deputy nervously reported, seeing Lu Yunian’s ashen face, and quickly shared all he knew. “The cut wasn’t large, but due to Young Master Gu’s special constitution, the bleeding wouldn’t stop, alarming even the doctors. Fortunately, Dr. Pei returned and used his high-level differentiation skill ‘Restoration’ to control it.”

“If Pei Xiuran hadn’t returned, would you have waited until he bled out to tell me?” Lu Yunian stormed out, not wasting another second.

When he arrived, Gu Zeyu was still unconscious. A small figure sunken into the bed, his brows furrowed, his lips pale and thin, he lay curled up on his side, hugging a pillow as he usually hugged Lu Yunian, half his face buried in it, equally pale.

“Did you know he has a blood coagulation disorder?” Pei Xiuran flipped through the thin medical file, marking key points with his pen. “His medical records were deliberately hidden. There’s very little information available. And when I tried to access the files, the request was transmitted back to the system. The Gu family probably knows by now.”

“I don’t have time to deal with them. How long is the wound?” Lu Yunian sat by the bed, fingers tracing the bandage on Gu Zeyu’s forehead, his frustration reaching its peak with no outlet.

“Very small, less than 3 cm. For an ordinary person, it might have healed by the time I arrived. But he’s not ordinary. You might not understand this condition. It’s like a bleeding switch was turned on in his body, with no one able to turn it off.” Pei Xiuran patted his friend’s shoulder, noting how Lu Yunian’s gaze hadn’t left the patient since entering. “I won’t always be able to rush back. You once told me that strength was for protecting everyone. Why can’t you protect your own Alpha?”

“I protect him, but who protects me?” Lu Yunian said self-mockingly. “Just because I’m a special Omega, everyone thinks the name Lu Yunian represents the Empire’s war star, the strongest power. Why did Gu Zeyu’s brothers force me to marry him? They just wanted to rely on my protection. But Gu Zeyu and I are living people, not commodities to be bought and sold without emotion.”

Pei Xiuran didn’t know how to console Lu Yunian. He had heard of Gu Zeyu before, and seeing him lying quietly in bed now, he was clearly just a young boy, truly incompatible with Lu Yunian.

As Lu Yunian was about to speak again, his finger was grasped. Tiny knuckles wrapped around his pinky, guiding his hand to rest on a cool cheek. Gu Zeyu had awakened but kept his eyes closed, calling out in a childish voice, “Lu Yunian, cold, need hug.”

Lu Yunian, who had been angry moments ago, said nothing, his face dark. But he had already removed his boots and climbed onto the bed, embracing Gu Zeyu from behind. Feeling the warmth, Gu Zeyu’s curled body kept pressing backward until he was completely encircled by Lu Yunian, emitting a satisfied laugh.

“Lu Yunian, hold tighter.” Gu Zeyu, who was usually afraid of Lu Yunian when he was awake, was now quite bold, half-coquettishly, half-commandingly directing his Omega to wrap around him like a furnace.

“Lu Yunian, need pheromones.” Gu Zeyu slowly opened his eyes, turning to press his forehead against Lu Yunian’s, showing no signs of anger, instead seeking out Lu Yunian’s lips.

The Omega’s soothing pheromones lulled Gu Zeyu back to sleep. Pei Xiuran had left the room when Lu Yunian climbed onto the bed. The entire room was filled with the scent of rum. Fearing Gu Zeyu might get drunk again, Lu Yunian dared not give too much.

But even with just a little, Gu Zeyu smiled in his sleep, hugging Lu Yunian like a stuffed toy, half his body pressing on Lu Yunian’s chest. Lu Yunian’s arm encircled his waist, palm resting on the exposed strip of slender waist, holding him tightly.

Lu Yunian, burdened by too much killing, hadn’t slept through the night for many years. But each time he held Gu Zeyu, despite the uncomfortable pressure, he slept extremely well.

When he opened his eyes today, Gu Zeyu was already awake, staring directly at Lu Yunian, arms around his neck like a kitten. He loosened his grip to let Gu Zeyu get up, but Gu Zeyu remained sprawled on top of him, face nuzzling against Lu Yunian’s chest.

This early morning nuzzling aroused Lu Yunian, yet he couldn’t do anything with Gu Zeyu in this state. As he got up to wash, Gu Zeyu pounced from behind, wrapping around his waist, legs straddling Lu Yunian’s, clinging like an ornament.

“Aren’t you angry with me?” Lu Yunian tried to shake him off, but finding it impossible, he turned and picked Gu Zeyu up, looking him in the eye.

Gu Zeyu shook his head, saying innocently, “I like Lu Yunian best.”

“Does the wound still hurt?” He gently brushed aside the bangs, staring at the bandage with a heart-piercing pain. Gu Zeyu tilted his head, resting his face in Lu Yunian’s palm, giggling triumphantly. “I didn’t know this would happen. I’ll accompany you to all future doctor visits.”

“I like Lu Yunian best.” Gu Zeyu nuzzled like a kitten, his delicate cheek reddening against Lu Yunian’s calloused palm.

“I was just angry that you didn’t take responsibility after getting out of bed, but how can I be mad at you? You don’t know anything.” Lu Yunian raised his other hand to stroke Gu Zeyu’s hair, his tone unusually tender.

“I like Lu Yunian best.” Gu Zeyu looked up, pecking Lu Yunian’s lips, clinging to him like an octopus, refusing to let go.

Lu Yunian finally realized something was off. Gu Zeyu’s intelligence seemed to have dropped further; he could only repeat one phrase.

“I like Lu Yunian best.”

Author’s Note: He was already silly, now he’s even sillier.

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