Turtle Raine

Occasional translation projects for Chinese BL danmei novels

Chapter 13: He Goes to Battle

Pei Xiuran asked Lu Yunian why he had to terminate the pregnancy.

Gu Zeyu slept in Lu Yunian’s arms, his shallow breaths making his presence barely noticeable. When Lu Yunian carried him in, Pei Xiuran didn’t even realize there was a sleeping person hidden under the cloak.

Lu Yunian glanced down at him. The sleeping Alpha looked no different from anyone else’s Omega. Since learning of his pregnancy, Lu Yunian’s mood had been low. Gu Zeyu, who clung to him, felt it most clearly. Though unaware of what he’d done wrong, he instinctively avoided touching the Omega’s sore spots.

“I’m a General. The war isn’t over. Do you expect me to go into battle with a swollen belly?” He paused, covering Gu Zeyu’s ears before continuing in a muffled voice, “Besides, how could I possibly bear his child?”

Pei Xiuran was at a loss for words. Just yesterday, the Star Realm Gazette praised Lu Yunian’s heroic defense against the sea tribe’s invasion at Hermann Beach. The sea tribe threatened a third wave of attacks, with their leader Hai Mu’er demanding Lu Yunian surrender the sea tribe’s king or face endless war.

No one knew where the sea tribe’s king was. Lu Yunian had never even seen him. Rumor had it their king was also a useless Alpha, raised in the deep sea since inheriting the throne as an infant. He had allegedly snuck ashore during a lunar tide and vanished without a trace.

Due to the early stage of pregnancy, Pei Xiuran gave Lu Yunian a blue pill. He could have swallowed it immediately, but Gu Zeyu woke up and stirred in his arms. Gu Zeyu rubbed his sleepy eyes and, upon seeing Dr. Pei, instinctively hid against Lu Yunian, half his face concealed behind the cloak like a startled fish darting in a pond.

Lu Yunian set him down, his large hand holding Gu Zeyu’s small one. When Gu Zeyu slipped his fingers between Lu Yunian’s, he skillfully reciprocated the grip, leading him out of the exam room.

Back in their quarters, Gu Zeyu sat playing among stuffed toys while Lu Yunian poured a glass of warm water. He held the blue pill, staring at it for a long time. Just as he was about to take it, Gu Zeyu appeared behind him, embracing Lu Yunian from behind. His delicate hands tentatively climbed Lu Yunian’s arms but dared not reach for the pill.

“Baby, hurt,” Gu Zeyu nuzzled Lu Yunian’s neck, licking his skin like a puppy seeking approval. It was the first thing he’d said since his injury, apart from “I like you.”

The pill fell to the floor. Lu Yunian glanced at it but didn’t pick it up. He pulled Gu Zeyu around to straddle his lap, gazing at him intently. “You’re still a child yourself.”

“Will grow up. Grow up together,” Gu Zeyu replied, trembling slightly at his first defiance of Lu Yunian. “Won’t cause trouble for Lu Yunian. Will be good.”

He gently bit the skin on Lu Yunian’s nape. As his canines broke the surface, a tingling sensation spread throughout the Omega’s body. Lu Yunian hadn’t expected Gu Zeyu to attempt a temporary mark, let alone dare to mark him. Weak Alpha pheromones flowed intermittently through his bloodstream. Lu Yunian’s eyes darkened as he extended his boot to crush the pill into powder.

When the marking was complete, both were drenched in sweat. Gu Zeyu, savoring Lu Yunian’s scent now mixed with his own milky fragrance, kept rising on tiptoe to kiss the corner of his mouth. Lu Yunian touched his still-warm gland, recalling the crazed Gu Zeyu from that night. With a slight smirk, he said, “Didn’t you say I wasn’t worthy of your mark?”

Gu Zeyu couldn’t comprehend his meaning. He stared wide-eyed as if hearing an outlandish tale. Linking his fingers with Lu Yunian’s, he murmured, “Lu Yunian, super amazing.”

Lu Yunian’s mood lifted considerably. He placed Gu Zeyu’s hand on his still-flat abdomen while rubbing his own throbbing temple. “Will it be an idiot or a delusional lunatic? Ah well, whatever it is, it’s my child after all.”

Lu Yunian was stubborn by nature. In the military camp, only Dr. Pei knew of his pregnancy. He continued training in armor and even entered simulation chambers for combat practice, showing no signs of Omega pregnancy weakness.

After that day, Gu Zeyu gradually returned to normal, but his dependence on Lu Yunian only grew. Whenever Lu Yunian came out from the combat chamber, Gu Zeyu would be crouched by the door, rushing over anxiously. His faint comforting pheromones were so sweet that others dared not approach.

The first four months brought inevitable morning sickness. Squad Leader Elephant thought his cooking was to blame and stayed up late researching new recipes, but Lu Yunian still vomited everything he ate. The sight of the burly General dry heaving into a trash bin at the smell of food became a nightmare in the camp.

By the fifth month, the pregnancy stabilized, and Lu Yunian’s appetite surged. He seemed intent on making up for all he’d lost in the previous months. Squad Leader Elephant strutted proudly through the mess hall, showcasing his culinary skills with seven meals a day for Lu Yunian.

Gu Zeyu ate alongside him and rounded out, outgrowing his clothes to resemble a plump little fish. When Mrs. Spider made him new clothes, Gu Zeyu swore that he would lose weight while looking in the mirror. But when Lu Yunian pushed his unfinished chicken soup towards him, he still drank every last drop.

Lu Yunian held the chubby fish in his arms, his big belly pressing against Gu Zeyu’s protruding tummy. He pinched Gu Zeyu’s double chin and squeezed his round bottom, feigning disgust as he said, “You’re even uglier when you’re fat.”

Gu Zeyu burst into tears. For the next few days, when Lu Yunian had extra servings, Gu Zeyu clamped his mouth shut like a river clam, glaring resentfully at his Omega. Lu Yunian ate so much yet remained trim, with prenatal check-ups confirming the baby’s normal size. This infuriated Gu Zeyu, who chased after Dr. Pei asking if he could put a baby in his belly too.

By the seventh month, the sea tribe’s third wave of attacks arrived. Lu Yunian prepared for battle, but Gu Zeyu clung to his legs, preventing him from putting on his boots. He placed his hand on Lu Yunian’s belly, feeling the baby kick in response. Encouraged, Gu Zeyu raised his voice to Lu Yunian, “Baby doesn’t want you to go.”

Lu Yunian lifted Gu Zeyu by his collar, but seeing his concern, couldn’t bring himself to scold him. Setting him down, he cupped the back of Gu Zeyu’s head for a deep kiss, releasing him only when Gu Zeyu was breathless. “I am their General,” he said.

Knowing his words held little sway over Lu Yunian, Gu Zeyu leaned forward, pressing his forehead against Lu Yunian’s swollen belly. He softly said to his Omega and the baby, “Pu’abal.”

Lu Yunian understood. In Gu Zeyu’s language, it meant, “Return safely.”

Author’s Note: In the next chapter, God Yu saves his wife.

<< SA Chapter 12SA Chapter 14 >>

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Hey there, I’m Raine. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my translations. I am not a professional translator. Translations found on this site are not official. My translations are a mix of MTL and the little Chinese I learned in college.

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Heemi, Beverly, Lenka, Karo, Gracie, Vina, Stranger, Sairun, Minh, mvz_heaven

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