Turtle Raine

Occasional translation projects for Chinese BL danmei novels

Chapter 09: A Family’s Joy at Happy News

When Song Yaw saw the message from Dr. Li, he immediately arranged for Lu Qi to handle the remaining matters and contacted his parents. Cheng Tian was beaming with joy, quickly reaching out to Lin Mei and Bai Li, urging them to come over as soon as possible to discuss the children’s wedding.

While Bai Yucheng was still in the hospital, both families learned of his pregnancy. He couldn’t wrap his head around it! Didn’t the doctor previously say it would be difficult for him to conceive?

He only differentiated at 24, and his reproductive system wasn’t fully developed. How could this happen?

On the way back to the company, Song Yan picked him up and took him home.

As soon as they reached the Song family’s front door, Cheng Tian came out to greet Bai Yucheng.

“Come in quickly, your mother will be here soon,” she said. She was genuinely fond of Bai Yucheng and thrilled at the prospect of a grandchild.

Faced with such enthusiasm from his elders, Bai Yucheng didn’t know how to refuse. During previous dinner visits, she had been equally warm and kind and prepared many delicious dishes.

She held Bai Yucheng’s hand as they sat on the sofa, smiling warmly. “I heard from your mother that Dr. Li is her good friend and has been helping you both.”

“Yes, that’s right…”

“That puts my mind at ease. When Ah Yan told us you were pregnant, his father and I thought about having you go to his sister’s hospital. You can still go there for check-ups; the environment is quite nice.”

Song Yan approached them, smiling. “Mom, you’re scaring Yucheng. He’s probably not used to such attention.”

“I heard he differentiated late, so I’m worried about his health,” she said, turning to Song Yan. “And you! How could you be so careless and not pay attention? What if Yucheng experiences any discomfort? What will you do then?”

“I didn’t know before. I didn’t think that far ahead.”

“That won’t do! You need to learn how to take care of Yucheng now! Even though he’s an Omega, pregnancy can still be uncomfortable. You should consult Dr. Li frequently, and if you’re unsure about anything, you can ask your aunt.”

Song Yan nodded obediently. “I understand.”

“I’m home,” Song Shilan announced as he opened the door, finding the three of them in the living room. He looked exhausted, having just returned from a construction site inspection. However, upon seeing the well-behaved Bai Yucheng, half of his fatigue seemed to dissipate. “Song Yan, ask Auntie Chen to buy some fish.”

“She’s already gone,” Song Yan stood up to fetch clean clothes for him. “Dad, go change first.”

“Alright, alright. You all sit for a while.”

Everyone’s happiness was evident on their faces as they bustled about. Bai Yucheng felt restless and worried about himself—he hadn’t decided whether he wanted to get married yet.

Could such a significant decision be made so hastily? He and Song Yan only lived together for two months, and now they were supposed to get married. They would have to raise a child, suddenly shouldering so many responsibilities.

Song Yan noticed Bai Yucheng’s gloomy mood and understood his difficulty in adjusting. They spent so much time together, so he knew that Bai Yucheng was slow to warm up. Sometimes it wasn’t that he disliked something, but rather that he needed time to adapt.

“I’m sorry, my parents are just overly enthusiastic,” he said, accompanying Bai Yucheng back to the bedroom to change clothes.

Bai Yucheng’s expression soured, his face showing embarrassment. “How could you just tell them like that?”

“They already knew we were living together. It’s fine,” Song Yan handed him his own clothes. “Will these do for now?”

“No need, mine are fine.”

“My mom wants you to stay here tonight. You’ll need something to sleep in.”

Bai Yucheng thought for a moment, then nodded. Song Yan embraced him. “I haven’t even proposed yet. You don’t have to agree so quickly.”

“Stop making trouble…”

“I’m serious.” As he spoke, Song Yan’s hand slowly moved to his abdomen. “But I’m really happy.”

By now, Bai Yucheng had grown accustomed to Song Yan’s embraces, feeling a subtle sense of security. He turned and hugged Song Yan back, feeling slightly upset. After a while, he finally said, “Will pregnancy be very uncomfortable…?”

Song Yan smiled. “I’ll be with you. And if it gets too difficult later on, we can arrange for an early delivery at my aunt’s hospital.”


“Didn’t you know? It’s possible now. The baby can continue growing in a simulated environment for a while, to reduce the burden on Omegas in late pregnancy.” Song Yan said softly, “I’ll take you to see it sometime, so we can learn more.”

“Okay.” Bai Yucheng nodded, then asked, “What about the company…?”

“We both have parental leave, and we can work from home.”


Song Yan looked at him. “Right now, I want to prioritize you and the baby. I’m confident leaving the company matters to Lu Qi.”


As expected, Bai Yucheng wasn’t as averse as he seemed. Song Yan just needed to be patient. “Let’s go downstairs for dinner. Your parents should be here by now.”

Upon seeing his son, Bai Li felt a wave of concern. “Yucheng, are you feeling alright? How have you been lately?”

“I’m fine. Song Yan has been living with me and taking care of me. Don’t worry.”

The elders present all found Bai Yucheng to be sensible and obedient, which only increased their affection for him.

“Come eat. We have your favorite turbot,” Song Shilan quickly ushered them to the dining room.

At the dinner table, the parents had already planned out the young couple’s wedding. Song Yan was naturally at ease, just waiting for the day Bai Yucheng would marry into the family.

Good news invigorates the spirit. The next day, Song Yan returned to the company to arrange matters for each department. The main decisions were still made by him and Lu Qi, with some adjustments in other departments. Finally, he solemnly announced his news with Bai Yucheng.

With everything settled, he rushed home eagerly.

Lu Qi wasn’t too surprised; she understood Song Yan well enough to have noticed how he looked at Bai Yucheng.

Cheng Tian took Bai Yucheng to Song Shilan’s sister Song Siyuan’s hospital. Upon hearing the good news about her nephew, she had been preparing since morning. When she saw Bai Yucheng, she really felt Song Yan had good taste.

“I already spoke with Dr. Li, and he transferred your medical records. You can choose whichever location is more convenient for you,” Song Siyuan said, looking efficient in her white coat and moving with grace.

“Thank you… Aunt.”

“Good boy, it must be hard on you. Differentiating late and then getting pregnant, your early symptoms might be more pronounced, but everyone’s different, so don’t worry too much.”

“Okay.” Bai Yucheng relaxed a little.

Having come this far, he could only go with the flow. The Song family seemed kind, and he wouldn’t have to worry about his parents’ situation. After having the baby, he could return to Song Yan’s company. It wasn’t too bad.

A sense of acceptance settled over him.

“Ah Yan said he’d come pick us up later,” Cheng Tian smiled. “Oh, right, he mentioned you don’t like crowds. We wanted to invite more people to the wedding, but we’re worried it might be too tiring for you. So we discussed with your parents and decided on a small family celebration, and Ah Yan will handle other social obligations. Is that okay?”

“Yes, thank you, Auntie.”

“Should you still call me Auntie?” Cheng Tian held his hand. “You should try calling me Mom now.”

Bai Yucheng felt shy but nodded.

When Song Yan came to pick them up, the two were chatting happily, but Cheng Tian preferred seeing her son with his husband-to-be. She quickly said, “I’m leaving Yucheng with you. I’ll wait for your aunt to finish work, and we’ll go shopping.” Then she left.

For some reason, Bai Yucheng felt more nervous being alone with Song Yan than before.

“Yucheng, there’s a mineral exhibition later. I’ve already bought the tickets.”

“Mineral exhibition?”

Song Yan nodded. “Yes, I saw it earlier. It’s not very big, but it’s near our store. That store has been doing well lately, and I wanted to check it out anyway.”


With everything settled, Song Yan wasn’t worried about Bai Yucheng running away. However, he felt that without a formal proposal, things weren’t quite official. The mineral exhibition was just a small excuse.

Although the wedding was imminent, a proposal was still essential.

<< SPA Chapter 08SPA Chapter 10 (M) >>

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Hey there, I’m Raine. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my translations. I am not a professional translator. Translations found on this site are not official. My translations are a mix of MTL and the little Chinese I learned in college.

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