Turtle Raine

Occasional translation projects for Chinese BL danmei novels

Chapter 25: Boss Yan’s Honest Confession

“First love… Yes… I did like him back then.”

With those words, Bai Yucheng drifted off to sleep.

Song Yan, however, was wide awake—how could he possibly sleep knowing that the man who strutted about like a peacock was his wife’s first love?? It was clear as day that the man came to steal Bai Yucheng away!

Damn it. Looking at Bai Yucheng’s adorable sleeping face, Song Yan couldn’t bear the thought. No way! He unconsciously tightened his embrace around the person in his arms, silently vowing: A destined love is a thousand times better than a childhood sweetheart!

And so, Song Yan acquired an imaginary rival.

Early the next morning, Song Yan got up and personally prepared breakfast. He then brought the children back to the bedroom, waiting for Bai Yucheng to wake up—he had been quite tired these past few days, and waking up to see his husband and children would surely be a blissful experience.

Bai Yucheng stirred at the rustling sounds. He opened his eyes to find his daughter snuggling into his embrace. He gently hugged and kissed her. Then, Song Yan embraced him from behind. “Good morning, Mrs. Song.”

His voice was gentle and steady. Bai Yucheng responded with a soft “Mm.”

“Wash up first. Mom and Dad are back.”

“Do you have any plans for the afternoon?” Bai Yucheng asked, contentedly holding his daughter while leaning against Song Yan.

“Stay home with the kids.”

The simple plan made Bai Yucheng chuckle. “What’s gotten into you? You’re acting strange today.” He turned to look at Song Yan, surprised to see him wearing glasses and a beige T-shirt he rarely wore, looking almost like a college student.

It was a refreshing change from his usual formal attire and white shirts.

“Mrs. Song, I love you,” Song Yan said, tenderly kissing Bai Yucheng.


Bai Yucheng was a little confused. What had come over him?

The kiss didn’t last long, as their children were between them. The brief kiss left Bai Yucheng wanting more. Blushing, he furrowed his brow slightly. “What’s really going on with you today…”

“Mm, I’m not sure myself. It seems I can’t bear to be apart from you and the children even more than yesterday,” Song Yan murmured sweet nothings into his ear, with a hint of grievance in his voice.

The children were still there, but they were young. Bai Yucheng felt shy, but faced with Song Yan’s affection, he felt compelled to respond. He tilted his head and softly pressed his lips to Song Yan’s cheek, whispering, “Mr. Song… I feel the same.”


Song Yan really played with fire! Bai Yucheng just woke up, his hair slightly tousled, his face flushed, looking at him shyly with that flawless skin right before his eyes! Such an initiative from Mrs. Song was irresistible. But with the children present, how could he do anything outrageous? He could only hold their son and sit up a little, his ears turning red.

Cheng Tian saw through the ambiguous atmosphere between the two. As a mother, of course, she had to help! She and Lin Mei took the children, cheerfully saying, “You two rest well today. We’ll take the kids out shopping. After all, we’ll be idle on New Year’s Day. Your father and the others want to go too, so don’t worry. We’ll see you before dinner.”

With the elders’ support, Song Yan wouldn’t let this opportunity go to waste. Though he had a mature man’s face, he’d dressed like a college student, and now it was time to reap the rewards.

Meanwhile, Luo Chengyi arrived unannounced with gifts to pay a New Year’s visit, having obtained the address from somewhere.

Unfortunately, Song Shilan hadn’t left yet and was intercepted.

“Uncle Song, I’ve come to wish you a happy New Year,” he said, dressed in a casual suit and carrying two large bags of gifts, looking energetic and capable.

Song Shilan couldn’t refuse. Although he came uninvited, Luo Chengyi was the director from their advertising partner. He had no choice but to invite him into the living room.

Cheng Tian, Lin Mei, and Bai Li had already slipped out with the children. If only they hadn’t changed clothes! The older Song had to endure the awkward conversation.

“By the way, where’s Boss Yan?”

“He just went upstairs. We were all planning to go out today.”

“Is Mrs. Song out too?” Luo Chengyi asked, somewhat disappointed. “Actually, Mrs. Song was my classmate.”

“Is that so?”

“I missed the wedding. It’s a pity.”

The older man smiled. “Yucheng doesn’t like crowds, so the ceremony was very simple, just family. We didn’t invite many people.”

“I’m sorry, Uncle Song. I’ve delayed your outing,” Luo Chengyi said, slightly embarrassed. “I came uninvited, which is really impolite. I didn’t have your personal number and thought you wouldn’t be going out on New Year’s Eve…”

“It’s fine. We’re just taking the kids out for a bit.”

This was exactly what Luo Chengyi wanted to hear. He seized the opportunity. “Let me drive you there.”

But the older Song wasn’t naive. “No need. I couldn’t trouble you with family matters, especially with the in-laws here.” He stood up and called upstairs, “Ah Yan, come down and see our guest off.”

With that, the older Song left.

Song Yan quickly came downstairs with Bai Yucheng. He was still dressed like a college student and wearing glasses. He held Bai Yucheng’s hand. “Director Luo, you came personally on New Year’s Eve.”

Luo Chengyi smiled. “Just bringing some gifts for the uncles, aunts, and children. I still need to visit relatives for New Year’s greetings.”

Song Yan stared at him, wishing he could bore holes through him with his gaze. He forced a smile. “I see. Well, my wife and I won’t keep you then.”

The other man showed no reaction, simply nodding as he picked up his coat. He then said to Bai Yucheng, “Yucheng, it’s been a while.”

Bai Yucheng only responded with a soft “Mm.”

Luo Chengyi thought his plan was going well, but Bai Yucheng wasn’t falling for it.

Song Yan, while appearing calm on the surface, was mentally battling his imaginary rival. “Mrs. Song, I’m hungry.”

“What would you like to eat?” Bai Yucheng asked earnestly, ignoring Luo Chengyi. “I saw Auntie left some food for us.”

“I want the fruit you make. The sugar-coated kind,” Song Yan said, holding his hand.

Faced with the suddenly childlike Boss Yan, Bai Yucheng chuckled softly. “Alright, wash some fruit you want to eat and freeze it for a bit.”


He was nothing like the CEO he first met. But Bai Yucheng felt touched. This morning’s confession and kiss made him feel happy. It had been a long time since they’d eaten this. He first made it for Song Yan before they had children. After moving here, the housekeeper did most of the cooking, and they were busy—busy being upset with each other, busy with company matters.

“Mrs. Song, this is very sweet,” Song Yan grinned, his mouth full of sugar-coated strawberry.

Bai Yucheng was speechless. The man before him looked a bit silly. “It’s been a while since we’ve had this.”

Suddenly, a thought struck him, and his expression turned serious. “Have you ever made these for Luo Chengyi?”

“Hm?” Bai Yucheng found the question odd. “No, he doesn’t eat these things.”

“If he did eat them, would you make them for him?”

“…In the past, I would have.”


Song Yan felt like he’d lost a round. He let out a soft huff.

Bai Yucheng finally understood—Mr. Song was jealous. He burst into laughter. “You… Haha…”

“What’s so funny?” Song Yan said, deflated. “He’s your first love.”

The man before him was really amusing. Bai Yucheng couldn’t understand but also felt a bit sorry for him. “But that was so long ago.”

“First loves are always special.”

“Then what about Mr. Song’s first love?” Bai Yucheng rested his chin on his hand, looking at him. “How special was it?”

“I’ve only ever liked you,” he looked up, completely serious. “Before, I was busy studying, obsessed with minerals. Then, I had the company and devoted myself entirely to it. When you came along, I felt we had a good rapport, so I wanted to pursue you. I just liked you, never liked anyone else. Even after having children, though you competed with me for our daughter’s attention and wanted to return to work, unlike how obedient you were during pregnancy. I was a bit angry. Later, when you got angry and agreed to divorce, looking for a house and special services, I was even angrier. In the end, I reflected on myself. I forced myself on you at the start. I’ve been thinking I should treat you better and court you again properly.”


This man wasn’t lying.

<< SPA Chapter 24SPA Chapter 26 (END) >>

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Hey there, I’m Raine. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my translations. I am not a professional translator. Translations found on this site are not official. My translations are a mix of MTL and the little Chinese I learned in college.

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Our lovely July-August supporters:
Heemi, Beverly, Lenka, Karo, Gracie, Vina, Stranger, Sairun, Minh, mvz_heaven

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